[OWBN-Council][Bylaw Prop][Requires Seconded] Vampire CvC Bylaw Update Amended

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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 09-Mar-2024 12:00AM EST
Closing: 16-Mar-2024 12:00AM EDT

I, Michael F, CM of Bridgeport propose the following addition to the character bylaws.

6 Glass Ceiling
a. Vampire are restricted by the following:

6.a.iii While a vampire may be able to acquire disciplines beyond advanced temporarily, such grants may only come from NPCs. A PC cannot utilize any method to grant themselves or another PC a discipline beyond advanced level. Any disciplines beyond advanced can not be used by a PC against other PCs (aka not in CvC).


6 Glass Ceiling
a. Vampire are restricted by the following:

6.a.iii While a vampire may be able to acquire disciplines beyond advanced temporarily, such grants may only come from NPCs. A PC cannot utilize any method to grant themselves or another PC a discipline beyond advanced level. Any disciplines, rituals, items, ritae, magic, or similar effects except as noted below beyond advanced can not be used by a PC against other PCs (aka not in CvC). Any effects that are beyond the advanced level that are active before, set to act during or after the start of CvC (Character vs Character) are considered to not be active for the purpose of CvC.
1: Items created by the Potence powers Master of the Forge/The Forger's Hammer
2: The benefits an item gets via Blood Tempering when the creator has greater than advanced level Fortitude.

3. The benefits of Marduk's Throat, up to the 8th generation.


Legacy: NA


Similar reasons to my previous prop. The prop fixes a couple loopholes in the bylaws allowing people to continue to use things (rituals, items, etc) beyond the advanced levels in PvP. In addition it adds some clarification as well to the wording. This is being re-propped to allow the benefits a item gains via Master of the Forge / The Forger's Hammer / Blood Tempering (above level 5). Specifically due to feedback mentioned in the previous prop.

It should also be noted that this prop will have no effect on PvE since it specifically is only calling out cases of PvP/CvC. In addition, I just want to make sure to note that the only genre this prop is impacting, is Vampire PCs.

This prop is amended to include Marduk's Throat as well. Since this power is still capped at 8th Generation and would cause a negative situation for Assamites where in CvC they could potentially lose multiple generations (ex: Going from 8th to 12) even though it is already capped at 8th.

Michael F

CM of Bridgeport

CM of Bridgeport

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