[OWBN-Council][PROPOSAL][PACKET][Setite][AUTOPASS] Serpents of the Light Packet Update

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Genre Packet
Opened: 12-Dec-2023 12:00AM EST
Closing: 13-Dec-2023 12:00AM EST


This proposal is made in accordance with the Coordinator Bylaws, section 3.C. (Subsections ii. and iii.): 3. Coordinator Duties C. Genre Coordinators iii. Genre Coordinators must pass before Council any plot, enforced policy, R&U named characters, or binding edict they wish to use which they can reasonably expect to affect multiple chronicles and these proposals need not be seconded, but go immediately into discussion. 1. If no opposition is voiced during the week of discussion, the proposal is considered passed and enforceable. Once passed these are considered binding to all chronicles and a chronicles refusal to adhere is grounds for OWBN disciplinary measures. Opposition must be in regards to the content of the proposal and must give those reasons why the objection is voiced. This is to allow Coordinator's the opportunity to respond and/or make changes/remove the proposal and its contents. PROPOSAL I, Stacey Diaz, hereby propose this, the OWBN Serpent of the Light Genre Packet, to replace the previous OWBN Serpent of the Light Genre Packet. From the baseline of this packet, games will be free to design whatever house rules they like to suit the tastes of their region, just as they would modify Laws of the Night, or any other core rules set. This revised packet allows everyone to have common ground from which to modify.

Changes from the 2011 Packet: Added Lore, Backgrounds, Combination Disciplines. Updated the Wanga section and Clan description to be updated. Laid out what each Level of Wanga Lore Gives.

Rationale: It's been over a decade since this packet was touched and it was severely lacking in a lot, unfortunately that's a lot of source material as they are but a cliff note even in newer books. But we wanted to update and give it a makeover and add what we could.

Setite Coordinator

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