[Proposal][Bylaws] Addition to Administration list Etiquette [Amend]

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 13-May-2021 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 20-May-2021 12:00AM EDT

I, William Lee, CM of Bartow Badlands propose the following additions to the administration bylaws. The requires a second.


9.b.v. All communication on the Council, Storyteller, and Coordinator lists must include the name of the person communicating (which must match the assigned name on the chronicle information portion of the OWbN website). This may include commonly known as names (but does not limit including more information).

Reasoning: it’s common curtsey, and it prevents people being nefarious. I like knowing who I’m talking to, and with things like council, only one person should be using that account.

I’ll look at changing the naming rules on the site next.

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