[PROPOSAL][AMMENDED][BYLAW][AUTOPASS] Toreador Merit Regulation for Non-Toreador

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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 13-Mar-2021 12:00AM EST
Closing: 15-Mar-2021 12:00AM EDT

Proposal:  Addition of Non-Toreador Regulated Merits


This proposal is made in accordance with the Coordinator Bylaws, section 3.C. (Subsections ii. and iii.):

3. Coordinator Duties

C. Genre Coordinators

iii. Genre Coordinators must pass before Council any plot, enforced policy, R&U named characters, or binding edict they wish to use which they can reasonably expect to affect multiple chronicles and these proposals need not be seconded, but go immediately into discussion.

   1. If no opposition is voiced during the week of discussion, the proposal is considered passed and enforceable. Once passed these are considered binding to all chronicles and a chronicles refusal to adhere is grounds for OWBN disciplinary measures. Opposition must be in regards to the content of the proposal and must give those reasons why the objection is voiced. This is to allow Coordinator's the opportunity to respond and/or make changes/remove the proposal and its contents.


Therefore, in accordance with their duties,  I, Jessica Staley-Carroll as Toreador Coordinator, do so propose the following changes to the Character Regulation By-Laws (Changes in Red) 


--amended version; addition--

10.m.v.44. Non-Toreador with the Following Merits - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Toreador

  1. Blase

  2. Greater Colors

  3. Controllable Thirst

  4. Refined

  5. Touched by God


Legacy:  Not Allowed (amended)




The following items list the source book and page numbers for each merit and a brief description.  The descriptions are for table top play and serve as summaries of the printed material, included here for reference only.


 If necessary, extra explanation unique to OWbN use was included with the merit listed.  


If passed, MET conversion suggestions will be included in the upcoming Toreador Genre Packet.


  1. Blase (Toreador Clanbook, 1st Edition, page 40) - Ignores all Presence powers. The Toreador Coordinator office has received complaints from STs and players alike, concerned with the prevalence of this merit among non-Toreador PCs.  Also, there are questions about the vague wording of spending a willpower if the target is ‘far more powerful’.

  2. Greater Colors (Toreador Clanbook, 1st Edition, page 40) extra information possible when used with Aura perception; makes it easier to experience Toreador Clan Flaw.  Since this directly affects the Toreador Clan Flaw it is not generally appropriate for non-Toreador PCs.

  3. Controllable Thirst (Toreador Clanbook, 1st Edition, page 40) Frenzy due to mortal blood difficulty reduced

  4. Refined (Toreador Clanbook, 1st Edition, page 40) etiquette challenges involving high society easier and gives PCs higher social standing among Clan Toreador.  Only appropriate for Toreador due to the last part of merit.

  5. Touched by God (Libellus Sanguinis II, page 38) creating any art or performance is easier; art relating to religion is really great and may attract unwanted attention.  The Toreador office believes that this should be regulated as ‘art’ related merits are often used as ‘weapon creation’ merits and that isn’t in the keeping of the spirit of merit.

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