[Proposal] [General Consensus] 4th Archivist Position

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 01-Sep-2020 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 01-Sep-2020 12:05AM EDT

As Head Coordinator, I, Danielle Frink, propose the following change to Coordinator Bylaw 2.A.iii.:

2.      Appointed Coordinator Positions

A.    The following Coordinator positions shall be appointed by the Head Coordinator as needed until such time as the Council feels the genre requires an elected Coordinator position:

i.              Kuei-Jin

ii.Web Coordinator

iii.                      Archivists (2 positions)

iv.                      Historian

v.            Hunter

vi.                       Hengeyokai


2.      Appointed Coordinator Positions

A.    The following Coordinator positions shall be appointed by the Head Coordinator as needed until such time as the Council feels the genre requires an elected Coordinator position:

i.              Kuei-Jin

ii.Web Coordinator

iii.                      Archivists (4 positions)

iv.                      Historian

v.            Hunter

vi.                       Hengeyokai

Reasoning: Based on the discussion following the resignation of one of our 3 current Archivists, I think we have all agreed that adding another set of hands to their Team will help make sure no one gets overburdened moving forward. I'm making this proposal now as we are currently accepting applications for 1 Archivist, and I would like to have a decision on this so that we can simply select the two most qualified applicants from them and get them on the Team at the same time.
As noted in the subject line, I'm proposing this as General Consensus, but if anyone objects, this proposal will go to a vote.

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