Custom Path of Enlightenment

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Path of Enlightenment
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

Path of Ishtar

Path of Cathari (Sin Version)

Virtues: Conviction and Instinct

Minimum Wrongdoing


10.Any display of modesty.

Modesty is morality imposed from without. Never submit to it.

9.Failing to indulge your desires.

No pleasure should be denied to you.

8.Forfeiting long-term pleasures for short-term ones.

Do not exchange floods of desire for a draught.

7.Failing to ride the wave of frenzy.

The Beast tires with exercise, strengthens with denial.

6.Acting against another on the path.

Those of like purpose should fulfill that purpose, not quarrel among themselves.

5.Putting the needs of others ahead of your own interests.

Your desires come before their need.

4.Impassioned killing.

Murder achieves no greater end; dead men cannot sully their souls.

3.Associating with those who bring you no pleasure.

The Beast rages when denied; never give license to its fury.

2.Arbitrary killing.

Killing a mortal prevents his bringing about his own damnation.

1.Encouraging virtue or agents of virtue.

Why exert effort to aid those who would chain you?

Ethics of the Path

•You are Damned already; there is nothing forbidden to you.

•The Beast belongs to you, but you do not belong to it.

•Tame the Beast with the pleasure it desires, for it does not think, but feel.

•Act without hesitation. The laws of neither man nor God bind you.

•Shame and inhibition are blasphemies against the orgasmic sacrament.

•Avoid things which bring you no pleasure, for the Beast grows restless without being fed.

•Your heart holds your hunger and your freedom. Find the courage to embrace both.

Date of Archival: 02-Nov-2015