Custom Blood Magic: Ritual

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:

Ritual of the Tell Tale Heart (Intermediate Ritual)

The dangers of the more subtle of Kindred powers are arguably more than the Speed of the Toreador, Strength of the Brujah, Claws of the Gangrel or Physical Resistance of the Ventrue. The creator, being more into the subtle than the direct, wishes to create a substance that will detect the use of Kindred powers when used on a creature. His theory is that by embuing an object with vitae that has an affinity toward a certain discipline, any use of that power directed at it (meaning the person carrying the object) will cause it to react. This reaction could be caused to become apparent to the victim.

This ritual requires the heart of a mammal (of any size), the vitae of a Kindred who has at least a basic understanding of the discipline to be targeted and a specially created vial to contain the above two.
When completed, the heart will have magically soaked up all of the blood and appear to be in perfect condition. It is placed in the vial to complete the ritual. The vial need be carried on one's person to provide a connection to the vial and heart. The first time the bearer is targeted with the discipline that the heart is keyed to, it turns black and begins to decay at about a rate of an hour to completely turn to ash. Multiple vials will all react at the same time so carrying more than 1 per power will be fairly useless.
While this may not actually protect the bearer in anyway, it may allow future investigations some measure of insight on certain situations. The ritual when it is active is not keyed to any particular person, just a certain power. Thus it could be given to a ghoul or loyal retainer for checking after they have gone to have a meeting with one's rival and so forth. It is found that a lead shielding of at least 1/4 inch thick will prevent these from activating, so a small lead-lined box would allow for multiple vials to be carried, just not active. Once the heart has "told" it of course needs to be discarded while the vial itself is reusable.

When created, a heart is soaked in a blood point from a kindred who has at least one level of the chosen discipline that the creator wished to be warned against. The heart is placed in a specially created vial which may be reused after the heart has been used up. The first time that the chosen discipline is used on the bearer of the heart/vial, the heart will turn from normal looking to black and it will start to decay at a fairly rapid rate. At the end of about an hour it will have dissolved completely. This allows the bearer to know somewhat how long ago they were affected. The discipline in question must be one that is directly targeting the bearer and require a contested challenge. Example: Aura Perception would not set it off, but telepathy would. Entrancement would but Magisty would not since it is a defensive power. Thaumatergy paths would need to be "keyed" individually. As stated in the previous section, all of the vials that are keyed to a certain discipline will all activate if multiple are carried.

Date of Archival: 21-Feb-2015
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:
As master of his haven, a vampire may briefl y warp the space inside it so
that the doorways connect to each other any way he chooses. A closet door
might suddenly open into the laboratory, or the bathroom on the third fl oor
might be made an escape route into the back garden. Anyone following the
thaumaturge through the door will end up where it should normally open to;
clever vampires will use this to lead pursuers into an oubliette or trap. This power has no time limit


Date of Archival: 21-Feb-2015
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Koldunic Sorcery
XP Cost: 6XP
MET Mechanics:

# Tempus Edax Rerum (Advanced Koldunic Sorcery Ritual)

Possessors of this ritual believe that even forever isn't long enough.
By pouring a blood trait upon a 20lb or larger stone from their
homeland during the last light of day, they summon the power of earth
to create a gravity disturbance in a localized area. This disturbance
creates a swirling bubble of increased gravity in this area causing
time to pass more slowly within it. The ritual can be ended by the
caster at any time but it can only be cast at sunset, either requiring
a Willpower to awaken earlier than normal or the Merit "Early Riser".
It ends automatically at sunrise.

The gravity bubble extends 20 feet in every direction centering on the
rock. Anyone viewing the bubble immediately becomes aware of the
danger as an uneasy feeling that gets worse as they approach the
disturbance. Aegis must be expended to even attempt to pass through
the gravitational bubble as the extreme gravity attempts to rip apart
anything not supernaturally resilient.

Everything inside the bubble experiences time at a slower rate. One
minute outside the bubble is a variable amount of time inside it,
between two and twenty-four minutes, selected at casting time. Mundane
signals can transmit into or outside of the bubble, but experience lag
or compression depending on the direction. Inbound signals experience
extreme lag, and outbound signals are extremely compressed. This makes
watching television or making phone calls nearly impossible without
specially designed equipment to compensate for the shifted time.
Magical effects can pass through the bubble as normal but are affected
by the same temporal shift. For example, using Scry on someone from
the inside would make the person on the outside appear as if they were
standing still, whereas someone whom was using Scry on the individual
inside the bubble would see blurs of motion due to the compressed

Vampires inside of the bubble must expend a blood trait every 24 hours
of percieved time, as if they were awaking for the evening. They are
also unable to regain spent Abilities or refresh Attributes more than
once. Anything that is usable only once per evening or game session
does not refresh until the character rests normally during the day.

Date of Archival: 22-Feb-2015
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Natib Athirat
XP Cost: 6XP
MET Mechanics:

Terraportation (Advanced - 5)


With this ritual, you are able to enter a tree of a size big enough to crawl through.  This allows the Lilin to use the tree as a gate to their Garden.  You may safely take one person with you through the tree.  The tree seems to break apart, as if spreading apart by sap, forming a doorway big enough for the Lilin to enter, returning to normal after the Lilin has gone through.  You must be wearing a ring made from twigs from the tree in the Lilin’s garden when this ritual is in effect. If you are being chased, this ritual may be used as a Fair Escape. However, the pursuers, or anyone within five feet of the mirror when this is cast, may immediately state their intention to follow you through the mirror; otherwise the opportunity to follow is lost.


If the person does not come through the tree willingly, they must win a Static Physical Challenge against a difficulty of 6 or be killed, one half of her lying in front of the entrance tree and the other half lying in front of the tree in the Garden. You must expend three Mental Traits to enact this ritual.


Date of Archival: 02-Mar-2015
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:

(Thaumaturgic Ritual - Intermediary)

Through this complex ritual, the thaumaturge may change his appearance, creating an alternative visage for himself, which will even fool recording devices (such as surveillance cameras). The ritual needs three material components: an artificial diamond (zircon), a wax figurine sculpted to resemble the desired visage, and a bottomless pyramidal structure between the two.

The process of sculpting the wax must be done by the thaumaturge itself, and is both physical and metaphysical in nature, and must include a mix of the melted wax with the user's blood. The diamond also needs to be attuned to the thaumaturge through a bath on his own boiling blood (which gives It a red tint). The pyramid must be regular, have a slot for the diamond at its top, and be made entirely of glass.

The components must be arranged in a specific way: the pyramid should be placed on a clear surface (like a table), the figurine inside of it, and the diamond on top of it. When the ritual is activated, the wax sculpture will float some centimeters in the air, and then start to move in the place, mimicking the thaumaturge moviments. Such stress eventually wears out the sculpture, which will need to be replaced.


To attune the diamond the thaumaturge needs to spend a blood trait, which will be used to boil It into. This process gives the diamond a red tint. To sculpt the figurine the thaumaturge needs to mix a trait of his blood with the melted wax, and then use any methods he likes to sculpt It (including molds, carving, etc...).

With the material settled, once per night, the user may spend one trait of blood to activate the ritual, which will last for a scene, for up to one hour. Once activated there is no need for further concentration, and the thaumaturge may even fight without breaking the visage.

The ritual may be activated a number of times equal to one plus the user's level in "Crafts: Sculpture", after which the figurine will dissolve, and will need to be replaced.

While the ritual is active the user appears just like the intended visage, even being registered as such by recording devices (such as surveillance systems or cellphone cameras).

The visage may not differ too much from the user's general body type and silhouette. Skin texture, colors, and appendages (like horns, scales and feathers) may be altered (or hidden) but someone bulky may not look like someone skinny, etc. Clothes and accessories are not affected in any way.

Users with Basic Auspex may see through the illusion, automatically identifying a wax texture on the user skin, they may try to see behind the wax with a Mental Challenge against the user, success means they see entirely through It and discern the true appearance of the thaumaturge. The supernatural senses of other creatures may work the same way, at the ST's discretion. While the user wears his Thaumaturgic Visage, he may not be affected by Mask of a Thousand Faces (Obfuscation 3) from any sources.

Date of Archival: 07-Jan-2024
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 2XP
MET Mechanics:

See Thaum Packet

Date of Archival: 18-Feb-2015
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Voudoun Wanga - Serpents of the Light
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:

The Barons Drinking Hall
Intermediate Ritual
You provide an offering to the Loas. In return, you can consecrate an area. in this  Cainites can participle in their vices for an evening. Can drink alcohol and drugs while in the area like they were mortal. There three places in that server as offering place one to the Baron Samedi which has a cigar and glass of rum, another is to Maman Brigitte which has a glass of rum with a hot pepper and a black rooster and Baron Cimitière allowing with high-end spirit.  

The caster offers 3 blood traits. After an area of 50-foot radius consecrates which lasts for a 2 week. Anyone Cainites in the are can drink and do drugs and feel the effect from them like they were mortal

Date of Archival: 16-Oct-2018
Followers of Set
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Sadhana
XP Cost: 6XP
MET Mechanics:

"The Binding Blood"

 To activation of this Ritual requires the Caster to Spend a Temporary Willpower and then the Caster and the recipient must both spend a blood. For the next Hour the Caster may activate any power or ritual on the target which he would otherwise only use on himself. In addition to this, the caster and recipient can telepathically communicate through the ritual for the duration regardless of physical distance or line of sight. The caster must still spend for any appropriate activation costs for any power or ritual as well as a Temporary Willpower for each activation. The Caster must maintain a level of concentration for the duration of the Ritual that prevents any other actions except for simple actions such as movement and communication or the Effect will end, all effects currently active through the Ritual will end, and the Ritual must be recast. Even powers such as Dual Thought cannot be used to divide the Casters Concentration enough for anything beyond these actions.


The first time this Ritual is cast upon someone the Caster must spend a Permanent Willpower to “attune” the Caster and Recipients blood. Once the blood is “Attuned” to that recipient further activation of the Ritual are done with the normal costs above. This ritual may not be used on more than one individual at a time and cannot be cast on Vampires of more potent generation. Both Caster and Recipient must be present during the casting of the Ritual, as such it is suggested, though not required, that Storytellers only allow the use of this ritual when both the caster and recipient are signed into the same game



Date of Archival: 19-May-2018
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Necromancy - Western
XP Cost: 6XP
MET Mechanics:

By spending three nights in the writing of a contract with your own blood, you create an unbreakable bond between yourself and any one signatory.  You use two Blood Traits to make the contract - one to write it and one for both parties to sign it.  The Black Tontine enforces compliance of both parties to the literal terms listed.  Should either party break the terms of the contract, the individual's soul is immediately removed from their body (as if under the effect of Soul Stealing) and is teleported directly to the other party where it will remain for one hour.  This effect cannot be resisted or prevented in any way.  The only way to finish a Black Tontine is to fulfill the terms or physically burn it.


Date of Archival: 19-Feb-2015
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Abyssal Mysticism
XP Cost: 6XP
MET Mechanics:

The Abyss Mystics crafts an effigy or Talisman made from Obsidian Stone. They craft the stone
into a form of one of the various gods of the Abyss. After which the Mystic covers the talisman
in the ashes of his own hand from sunlight and exerts part of his very being onto it. After which
the Talisman created banishes all creatures to the Abyss back to their home plane regardless if
they want to be or not. Such Talismans last until they are destroyed.
System: Spirits of the Abyss cannot approach within 100 feet of a Conquering Sun Talisman. If
they try, they vanish back to the Abyss. No special conditions apply to the carving of the
talisman. Enchanting the talisman requires several hours of prayers, exorcisms with sand and
holy water, incense, and bathing the talisman in sunlight for a week. At the end, the Abyss
Mystic lets the rising sun burn his hand to ash while it rests upon the talisman. Completing the
final prayer while burning off one’s own hand costs a point of permanent Willpower. Note that
this also means taking one health level of aggravated damage. The Conquering Sun Talisman
works by itself from then on, continuously

Date of Archival: 24-Mar-2021
