Custom Blood Magic: Ritual

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Sadhana
XP Cost: 6XP
MET Mechanics:

The Curses of the Rom are both devastating and virulent. The removal of such curses is often impossible to downright maddening for the afflicted. This has lead the Jati of the Ravnos to seek extreme measures for how to clear these curses from themselves and their allies. Partnering with the Sadhu of the Sabbat, one connived a way to trick the Romany of the world, to take on the curse of their own. By combining the arts of misdirection, Sadhanna, trickery, and some good old fashion drugs, the Sadhu will spend night after night convincing the sacrifice that they are here to save their one true love. Once broken, the sacrafice will offer up their own life willingly to the one afflicted by the curse, and in doing so, take the curse into themselves and onto their next life.

The ritual will require the following items and space. An area equal to 10ftx10ft must be secured. The location needs to be clear of sunlight and facilitated at least one story underground for the duration of the ritual. A poultice will need to be created from the blood of the caster, the afflicted, and mixed with hallucinogenic drugs, chief among them is  Soma. A single poultice will need to be created each night until the cast is complete.  Finally the sacrificial target must be a True Blooded Rom.

Each night the caster will engage with the sacrifice by making them drink the poultice and weaving the magic.

After 3 nights the caster engages in a contested mental challenge with the afflicted, retest with occult.  If the ritual succeeds, the curse is then taken from the afflicted and transferred to the sacrifice. The curse lingers and follows the sacrifice into their next life, particularly powerful curses may linger along the family line of the sacrifice at ST discretion.

If the ritual fails, the sacrifice dies without taking on the curse and the caster must throw two simple tests. If they fail both simple tests, the curse spreads to the caster. The caster suffers full effects and duration of the original curse.

Date of Archival: 25-Jun-2018