Custom Blood Magic: Ritual

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Akhu
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:

(Rarity 1 for those whom participated in "So You can go home again" plot, R3 (coord approval) for anyone taught by them.)

Just as Apep waits in the western mountains of Bakhu for Ra to come for their nightly battle. Lichter-priests who are prepared to encounter Ra or his agents may raid the western lands for a portion of Apep's strength in their own battles.

Unlike most raids of the west, drawing on Apep's power specifically marks the Lichter-Priest in a dark and sometimes chaotic way. Through various symbolism, the Lichter-Priest is able to channel Apep through their shrine into them self. Darkening their skin to become the snake of legend.

While so enchanted, some have been known to take on erratic behavior, some becoming aggressive, others loosing their shadow - a rare few have had their shadow take on a life of its own. These effects tend to only last while the Lichter-priest carries Apep's power within them or dawn when the ritual fades. (STs should give an appropriate negative trait or flaw that lasts the duration of the ritual.)

This ritual must be performed in a temple with a Blasphemy Shrine rated a minimum of "3"
Spend 2 blood points and make a static willpower challenge against 8.

If the blasphemy shrine is not rated at least level 3 or higher, it is simply too weak to channel the power of Apep.

If the Ritual challenge fails, both blood traits are lost and the casting must be attempted again. If successful, the blood ages within the body darkening the skin. Until the next sunrise Apep walks with them, and they may draw on that power but a single time.

Drawing on Apep's stored power is simple enough, a mere thought is all it takes to release the darkness bound to the Follower's body. When released the follower then halves any and all damage from any source of Sunlight for a single scene. The exception to this is Ra himself. (Actual "daytime" sunlight or any vulgar Sphere effect with would bend "actual"daylight to the location such as with forces or correspondence.) While Apep may protect the Lichter-Priest from sunlight, it does nothing to protect them from their light sensitivity.

Date of Archival: 02-Jun-2017
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