Custom Blood Magic: Ritual

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Akhu
XP Cost: 6XP
MET Mechanics:

(Advanced, requires observation of Aye and Orun to learn

According to the Yoruben faith and many African religions, the mortal world of Aye and the spirit world of Orun together make up the fabric of this world.  It is through this interconnection of the worlds that Shamans place their blessings and curses upon the members and lands of their communities.  As creatures of both worlds, vampires form a bridge between the two, fully functioning only when they are attuned to both worlds.  This potion creates a hazy disruptive distortion in the world of Orun around the inbiber, eating it's way through their aura into the surrounding area and isolating them from emanations originating in the spirit world.

System:  this odorless, nearly invisible silvery liquid tastes vaguely of iron and water.  It is collected like dew by leaving a consecrated phial invested with up to 3 traits of the caster's willpower in a place of spiritual death, devoid of life or activity on any layer of existence besides the mundane realm.  Should a single entity other than the harvester enter the phial's vicinity during the month it takes to collect, the potion will be ruined.  Likewise, if the vial is ever unstoppered it will be ruined at the end of the scene if it has not been consumed.

Once per night when consumed, tendrils of spiritual annulment spread through the drinker's veins, and into their aura, from which they leak out into the surrounding worlds.  For the duration of one scene or hour, the first magical effects, (up to a number equal to the willpower spent at casting) targeting the imbiber will fail to take hold as their pattern is cut off from the the arcane energies that weave and empower such effects. 

Any magic that would cause purely instant, direct, mundane damage is unaffected by this power, as it is manifested at the caster's location rather than the imbiber's.  Arcane healing effects on the drinker, however, are negated entirely.  Disciplines, like vampires, function on both Aye and Orun, and thus are unaffected, but thaumaturgy is.  As a side effect of this potion, the imbiber's self-control/instinct is considered 1 lower for the duration of the effect as their centering is disrupted by the spiritual imbalance surrounding them.

This potion only takes effect when it enters the system through consumption, which may be done once per combat round as a reflexive action.  Forcing someone else to consume a potion requires an action and a physical challenge.

Date of Archival: 25-Feb-2017
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