Custom Blood Magic: Ritual

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 2XP
MET Mechanics:
Obscure the True Name (Unique Basic Ritual)
True Name (def): A name that holds the magical essence of a person,
spirit or thing. [Blood Sacrifice, p.15]
Obscure the True Name allows the Thaumaturge to mystically mask her
True Name using another name and Hermetic-Kabbalistic principles. This
ritual does not actually tell the Thaumaturge her True Name. To
prepare for the ritual she must find a phrase from a piece of sacred
literature such as the Torah, the Zohar, etc. that resonates with her.
Using principles of Notariquon, the phrase is reduced to a single word
by taking the initial letters in each word in the phrase. Using the
principles of Temurah the word is then transposed with different
letters and this becomes her masked True Name. Using the principles of
Gematria, a numeric value is found for the transposed name.
The thaumaturge then starts the ritual, meditating on each aspect; the
phrase she chose, the derived word, the transposed name, it\'s numeric
value and thereby attuning herself to the True Name she is adopting to
obscure her own.
MET System: The character must spend a Blood Trait and a temporary
Willpower Trait to link the new name, replacing the character\'s
previous True Name in the eyes of the spirits, and for the purposes of
sympathetic magic. All magic relying on the previous True Name of the
character now fails automatically.
Note that this does not affect sympathetic links through personal
possessions, nor does it interfere with Disciplines such as Presence:
Summon, which merely require the user to have met/conversed with the
Date of Archival: 21-Feb-2015