Custom Blood Magic: Path

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Path
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:


Fugue Dance (basic)

With this power the user is able to cause the Target to slip into a trance; gaining the derangement Fugue.  The thaumaturge must spend a blood and defeat the victim in a mental challenge in order to afflict them with the Fugue Dance.  During their trance the person will experience vivid dreams about spirits and the future as though the Loa had spoken to them, while their body dances about wildly.

Supernatural creatures are immune to this power’s effect.

 Fugue Death (basic)

The user of this power is able to cause a Target they have touched to appear to be dead. The target of this power will slip into a deep coma that will appear much like death except to the well trained eye.   While in this coma, the target experiences dreams and visions as though they were possessed by the Loa.  In this state, the target must bid an additional trait to defend against possessing spirits.

Supernatural creatures are immune to this power’s effect.

Steal the Eyes (int.)

By spending a blood and enacting this power, the thaumaturge robs a nearby wraith of their sight peering across the Shroud to see into the Shadow Lands.  Just as the restless dead have difficulty seeing into the physical world, so to do those who would steal their gifts.  While looking into the Shadow Lands, you must bid two additional Traits on all challenges.  The thaumaturge can switch his sight back to the normal world by expending an action.

Snakes in the Belly (int.)

By spending a blood and defeating his target in a mental challenge, the thaumaturge causes his victim to feel as if they have snakes in their stomach trying to eat their way out.  This agonizing distraction forces the victim to bid an additional Trait on all challenges.

Perish (adv.)

His mastery of the Tricks of the Loa allows the thaumaturge to tear asunder the fabric separating the lands of the dead and the living.  By spending a blood and succeeding in a static mental challenge against the difficulty of the local Shroud, the thaumaturge immediately fades from one plane and emerges on the other.

Date of Archival: 11-Feb-2015