Council Voting History

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Council voting history for Sheboygan, WI - USA, Blood on the Lake

Proposal Name Closing Date Opening Date CM Votesort descending
2006 Election for Camarilla Coordinator 04-Dec-2006 27-Nov-2006 Abby
Genre Proposal: Tzimisce NPCs 25-Sep-2007 25-Sep-2007 Abstain
Genre Proposal: Infernalism Packet 10-Oct-2007 09-Oct-2007 Abstain
Admissions Coordinator Election 2010 (special) 07-Apr-2010 07-Apr-2010 Abstain
R&U add Garou Kliave Smiths as Rare Clasification 11-Apr-2009 10-Apr-2009 Abstain
Anarch Coordinator Election 2010 22-Nov-2009 15-Nov-2009 Abstain
[Proposal] Addition to changeling R&U 13-Jun-2015 05-Jun-2015 Abstain
Genre Proposal: Change to R&U 9Biv; Coordinator apprival for certain Garou camps 21-Apr-2008 22-Apr-2008 Abstain
Fixing the 'Rebirth from Hell' Situation 17-Jun-2016 10-Jun-2016 Abstain
Binding OWBN direction proposals 22-Nov-2014 15-Nov-2014 Abstain
