Council Voting History

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Council voting history for Cape Cod, MA - USA, Rage Across the Cape

Proposal Name Closing Date Opening Date CM Votesort ascending
[BylawRevision] Fixing Laibon Bylaws 27-Jul-2016 20-Jul-2016 Abstain
[GENRE PACKET] Schrecknet Packet 2016 21-Jun-2016 14-Jun-2016 Abstain
Revenant Family for Lasombra Coordinator 24-Jun-2016 17-Jun-2016 Abstain
[Demon Proposal] [Autopass] Angel Rarity Change 02-Sep-2021 26-Aug-2021 Abstain
[Proposal] Giovanni Ranks and Titles 13-Jun-2017 06-Jun-2017 Abstain
[Proposal] Clarification of Experience Cost Variation and Rotes 22-Jun-2017 15-Jun-2017 Abstain
[AMENDMENT] Brujah Paths of Enlightenment 05-Jun-2016 29-May-2016 Abstain
Giovanni Necromancy Packet 2008 02-Sep-2008 01-Sep-2008 Abstain
[PROPOSAL] Change to Character bylaw 7.c.i 24-Oct-2017 17-Oct-2017 Abstain
[Proposal] Regulation Brujah Combination Powers - Specific STV Material Related 09-Nov-2017 02-Nov-2017 Abstain
