[PROPOSAL] Change to Character bylaw 7.c.i

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 17-Oct-2017 11:55PM EDT
Closing: 24-Oct-2017 11:55PM EDT

Kings of New York purposes the following:

7.c.i. From: 

PCs learning any Custom Content previously created by another Character needs to Notify the appropriate Coordinator as per the above guidelines.


PCs learning any Custom Content previously created by another Character needs to Notify the appropriate Coordinator as per the above guidelines and must also have learned the custom content from the character that created it or another character who can accurately trace the instruction to the original creator.


The Custom Content database was never meant to be a shopping list for players to just buy cool new powers.  Players who created those powers should have some say who can have them.  This empowers them to do that.  I have heard rumblings of characters being allowed to purchase items off the Custom Content database with no interaction or relation to the characters that make them.  If I was a player who found another character with MY custom content and I hadn't been talked to about that being allowed; id be furious.  That was never the intent of the Custom Content databse.  Thus this will help nipe that in the bud.





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