[Proposal] Ventrue Justicar and Alastor Bylaw Change

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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 11-Nov-2012 11:00PM EST
Closing: 18-Nov-2012 10:58PM EST

Per the Alastors section of the Character Bylaws, Lucinde is under the sole control of the Ventrue Coord.  This conflicts with more recent bylaws, and probably should be removed.

Because of this, I Lawrence Jacob Siebert, CM of Always Comes Evening, San Francisco, CA do hereby propose the following:

Change Character Bylaws 14. i from


Alastors are a category of Archon, and therefore report to a specific clan. All Alastors shall be under the joint controlled of the Clan Coordinator of the clan they report to and the Camarilla Coordinator. The single exception to this rule is Lucinde, Ventrue Justicar. As such, Lucinde is under the single control of the Ventrue Coordinator. Any other exceptions in the future are subject to a Genre Proposal as detailed in the Coordinators Bylaws section 3.C.iii


Alastors are a category of Archon, and therefore report to a specific clan. All Alastors shall be under the joint control of the Clan Coordinator of the clan they report to and the Camarilla Coordinator. Any future exceptions are subject to a Genre Proposal as detailed in the Coordinators Bylaws section 3.C.iii

Check out these blurbs from the relevant Coords!

"I like this."
Rojir, Camarilla Coordinator

"Looks good to me, boss!"
Brian, Ventrue Coordinator

Jacob Siebert

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