Revision to Administrative Bylaw 3.A.iv.1

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 02-Aug-2010 1:00AM EDT
Closing: 02-Aug-2010 1:00AM EDT

I hereby propose that the following Bylaw be revised to prevent us from having the administrative nightmare of dueling Proposals:

Original Bylaw:

4. Sneaking in under the gun
1. Should a proposal to amend or add to the OWbN bylaws be put forward to Council, no proposal or character types related to the amendment/addition shall be open for discussion until the closure of the amendment/addition vote. Notifications and votes that were in progress before the amendment/addition proposal(s) will be considered exempt from this rule.

Proposed Bylaw:

4. Sneaking in under the gun
1. Should a formal Proposal be made to Council, no subsequent Proposals related to the current active Proposal shall be open for their discussion period until the closure, or withdrawal, of the current active Proposal's discussion period and vote.

Thank you.

Jenn Bahrs
Head Coordinator of OWbNshort url linkbuy 95 nike air max cool green blue shoes

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