Grand/Great Klaive typo correction [autopass]

Status message

Displaying output for plurality voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 14-Oct-2010 1:00AM EDT
Closing: 07-Oct-2010 1:00AM EDT

I propose that R&U Bylaw 4.D.v.2 be changed from:

All Grand, Grand, and Bane Klaives, regardless of how they are acquired in game will need Coordinator Approval.


All Grand, Great, and Bane Klaives, regardless of how they are acquired in game will need Coordinator Approval.

This has the support of the Changing Breeds Coord.

Stolen Hours CM
IC Middle Georgia
OOC Atlanta
seconded and amended for general consensus by AHC1 Geoff CombsMysneakersnike initiator blue womens sneakers sale DC1404-100 Release Date

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