Removal of Character with Out of Dharma powers/equipment from R&U [autopass]

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Displaying output for plurality voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 05-Apr-2011 1:00AM EDT
Closing: 29-Mar-2011 1:00AM EDT

This category is a neadlessly heavy handed reaction to Kindred Discipline swapping. Boneflowers explicitly teach some of their rites to anyone interested, Dharma shifting in the "Pc Zone" (1 to 5) is common in genre. And more to the point any power that violates a Kuei-jin's dharmic progress will cause acts of blindness at the very least. I find the risk of constant loss of enlightenment for someone elses toy to be more than enough of a defense.

I would like to see the removal of this category which is Bi(2/3s vote for pc, simple majority for npc)

Patrick Sniegoski

Kuei-jin CoordSports brandsBěžecké tretry Nike

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