Genre Proposal: Update to the Setite Genre Packet

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Genre Packet
Opened: 31-Mar-2008 1:00AM EDT
Closing: 01-Apr-2008 1:00AM EDT

This is a proposal under Coordinator Bylaws 3.C.iii as a binding genredocument for One World by Night. It requires no second and goes
immediately to discussion. If no opposition is voiced during the week
of discussion, the proposal is considered passed and enforceable.

Per the instructions of the Head Coordinator this genre document has
also been revised to attempt to bring it into compliance with White
Wolf's posted guidelines for refraining from infringing on their
copyrights. There is no grandfathering permitted of this document or
things contained therein except in the case of specific exceptions
made within said document.

I hereby propose the attached Setite Genre Packet 5.0. This replaces
all previous versions of the Setite Genre Packet for One World by
Night and is a binding genre document under the bylaws.

Sarah Himebaugh
Setite Coordinator

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