Revision to R&U and Historian CoordinatorPositions

Status message

Displaying output for plurality voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 18-Jun-2004 1:00AM EDT
Closing: 17-Jun-2004 1:00AM EDT

Update 6/11/04 by DSS (HC):
The exact text of the positions may be found at

Realize that the bylaw revisions are currently under discussion and the text seen now may not be the text voted on by Council.


I propose that characters currently coordinated by the R&U Coord
position be transferred to the coordination of the appropriate genre

The following amendments would also occur:

1. The Kuei-Jin subcoordinator would report to the executive team.
2. The Red List would be jointly coordinated by the Red List member's
clan and the clan claiming trophy.
3. Lasombra AT would be coordinated by the Lasombra Coord, or the
Sabbat coord should the position of Lasombra Coordinator fail to be
adopted by the organization.

I also propose that the administrative duties of the R&U Coordinator be
merged with the current "Historian" position, and renamed "Archivist".

Should Council approve these changes, the specific duties of these
positions shall be outlined in a proposal called [Bylaw Codification]
to be presented to Council within 1 week of the close of this vote.

This change will not take affect until the next general election of

The reason for the [Bylaw Codification] statement in this proposal is
that I have a document ready to present to Council however, it is felt
that changes should be presented individually.

I will send out the text specifically related to these changes during
the discussion because if Council feels these revisions are acceptable
I do not want the vote to fail over the text.

There is a lot here. I am more than willing to accept amendments.

WbN Player

Running SneakersBoots

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