[Administrative Proposal] Addition to the R&U Bylaws: 9.B - Changes in Blood magic packets.

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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 13-Mar-2009 2:00AM EDT
Closing: 06-Mar-2009 1:00AM EST

This does not require a Second, but if you do not agree you may put Objection in the subject line to force this Proposal to go to a vote.====================================================================

To accomodate the changes in rarities of blood magic per the Council-approved packet changes, I hereby propose that 9.B be added to the Grandfathering section of the R&U Bylaws to specifically accomodate said packet changes in the future:

Current Bylaw:

"9. Grandfathering
A. Any character that changes Classification due to the Classification being
changed shall be considered grand fathered to the new Classification, and shall
not require any further action by Council to approve them.
i. This only applies to characters that change category due to Coordinator
or Council action, and not to new characters or characters that undergo
changes to their sheet.
ii. There shall be a 30-day grace period to submit information to the archivist
for any character that changes classification due to the classification
being changed unless otherwise stipulated in a classification change vote."

Proposed Addition:

9.B. New blood magic packets which change the rarities of blood magic will not require existing characters who legitimately possessed that blood magic prior to the packet's adoption to seek further action to continue to possess that blood magic. Those characters shall be considered grandfathered to this new rarity classification, unless otherwise stipulated in Council-approval of the new packet or the proposal for said packet.
i. This only applies to characters that change blood magic rarity category due to Coordinator or Council action, and not to new characters or characters that undergo changes to their sheet.
ii. There shall be a 30-day grace period to submit information to the corresponding Genre Coordinator for any character that is affected by Rare & Unsusual Bylaw 9.B unless otherwise stipulated in the proposal that changes the blood magic packet.

I would like to thank the Bylaw Committee for their assistance in working on this Proposal with me.

Jenn Louise
OWbN Head Coordinator

"Of course I have (gone mad with power), have you ever tried going mad without power? Its boring, no one listens to you."

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