Genre Proposal: A revised wording for the powers of the Keeper of Elysia

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Proposal Type: Genre Packet
Opened: 13-Nov-2006 1:00AM EST
Closing: 13-Nov-2006 1:00AM EST

I, Amber Kendel, Camarilla Coordinator do herebypropose that the wording of the Keeper of Elysium's
ability to strip status in the Camarilla Status Packet
be changed from:

Keepers of Elysium may remove a Permanent Status Trait
from any Kindred they catch Breaking the Masquerade
within their own city. This removal costs nothing.


Keepers of Elysium may remove a Permanent Status Trait
from any Kindred caught breaking the sanctity of
an Elysium within the Domain where they serve. They
may also remove status if they find someone has
broken the Masquerade within their own city. This
removal costs nothing.

The intent of this wording change is to officially
allow Keepers of Elysium to use status as a punitive
measure for breaking Elysium in addition to the
ability to strip status for breaking the Masquerade as
outlined in Laws of the Night. This change will bring
the wording of the rules more in line with the idea
that most players have of the Keeper of Elysium's

Amber Kendel
Camarilla Coordinator

(Point of note - the original wording is already
passed by council and binding. The change proposed is
to officially change the wording in the genre binding

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