New Brujah Genre Packet Proposal

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Proposal Type: Genre Packet
Opened: 02-Oct-2006 1:00AM EDT
Closing: 02-Oct-2006 1:00AM EDT

Coordinator Bylaw 3.c.ii states that Genre Coordinators must pass
before Council any plot, enforced policy, R&U Named characters, or
binding edict they wish to use which they can reasonably expect to
affect multiple chronicles and these proposals need not be seconded,
but go immediately into discussion and that if no opposition is voiced
during the week of discussion, the proposal is considered passed and

I hereby propose propose this update of the Brujah Genre Packet. This
"packet" (attached, or pasted text-only below), revision 2.5, would
replace all previous genre documents for Brujah genre, as the
enforcable policy for Brujah genre.

I am re-proposing this document in light of some very constructive and helpful commentary from council. Should it come to my attention later that there are other genre items that need to be proposed, I will address them at that time. I welcome objections or questions as council sees fit.


Brujah Coordinator


Genre Document Proposal

Call to arms

This merit is great on paper and poorly implemented in Larp. As such,
I propose that the following be the policy for the call to arms merit.
It will stay in effect for a period of one year. Hopefully, this
trial period will be long enough to give the players and org st's time
to test the merit mechanics. The Brujah players will vote on the rant
and decide whether to keep it or scrap it. If they choose to scrap it
then at that time this new mechanic will revert to how it has been
handled in the past. If they choose to keep it, then it stays.
Council of course, can override this anytime they choose to. As is
their prerogative and right within the org.

Instead of being localized affairs, calls to arms will now go through
the Brujah subcoord of a given region. So if a pc wants to make a
call to arms, they must inform (or have someone else do so) the subcoord

of their region. Anyone
who participates should also inform the subcoord and cc their st's.
He will then coordinate the following system with the player's st's as

There are three ways to answer a call to arms:

1) Physically show up to help
2) Proxy themselves for direct background support (temporary Brujah proxy)
3) Respond in other appropriate fashion, ie. Sending arms, influence actionsbuy shoesNike Air Max 200

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