[POLL] Do Disciplinary Actions require a Second?

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Opinion Poll
Opened: 23-Apr-2024 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 07-May-2024 12:00AM EDT

This poll will open Tuesday, 4/23, and will be open for two weeks. It does not change the bylaws, just decides a direction for the Executive Team to take with further proposals.


The bylaws are ambiguous on whether or not Disciplinary Actions require a Second. It doesn’t explicitly say it doesn’t, therefore one could infer that it does. However, the way the Disciplinary Action bylaws are structured, with processes counting down as soon as the proposal hits Council, one could infer that it doesn’t. Why would the timer start for notifying the DA recipient and for them to find a representative if the proposal isn’t yet valid since it wasn’t seconded?


In short, this poll is asking you, Council, do you believe Disciplinary Action proposals should require a second?


Option 1: Disciplinary Actions do not require a second. 


The Executive Team will propose a change to the Disciplinary Action bylaws stating so.


Option 2: Disciplinary Actions require a second. 


The Executive Team will propose a change to the Disciplinary Action bylaws so that the timed aspects of a DA don't start until after the proposal is seconded.


Option 3: Reject All choices.


We keep the bylaws in the ambiguous state they are currently.


Option 4: Abstain


Chase Jelliffe
Assistant Head Coordinator 1


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Ballot Options
Option 1: Disciplinary Actions do not require a second.
Option 2: Disciplinary Actions require a second.
Option 3: Reject All Choices
Option 4: Abstain