[WITHDRAWN][Proposal] Code of Conduct Revised - March/April 2018 Prop

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Other Public
Opened: 31-Mar-2018 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 31-Mar-2018 12:00AM EDT

I Rob Beckett, CM of Orlando: Magic Kingdom hereby propose the following document to replace the OWbN Code of Conduct. The CoC we have was a good first step toward bringing our community together, but it is regularly berated and this council and various coordinators are accused of not applying it equally. This document is less vague and as a result more likely to be applied in the same manner to everyone.
No such document is, or can be expected to be, all encompassing. This is a step in a process. There may come a time when it too needs to be added to or revised. 
This includes both an English and Portuguese translation. Translation was performed by Diogo Trindade.


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