[Proposal][Bylaw]Clarification on Controlled Items Bylaw

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 13-Sep-2018 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 14-Sep-2018 12:00AM EDT

I, Chris Wenzel, CM for Milwaukee: Nocturnal Rapture propose the following By Law Change:


10. Controlled Items

a. Definitions and general rules

i. This list is to be considered a binding document for all games and coordinators within the network and shall be composed of every item that may require Chronicles, Players and Coordinators to seek approval or notification before entering play.

1. Blood Magic Paths and Rituals are not required to be part of this document, but should instead be made available in specific binding documents regulating their permission level. Any changes in their rarities will be regulated by the packet and/or its Council Vote.

a. Characters may retain paths and rituals that are no longer part of their paradigm due to a regulation change through grandfathering

i. Characters seeking to learn out of paradigm paths and rituals may not learn them from characters that have them through the aforementioned grandfathering.


10. Controlled Items

a. Definitions and general rules

i. This list is to be considered a binding document for all games and coordinators within the network and shall be composed of every item that may require Chronicles, Players and Coordinators to seek approval or notification before entering play.

1. Blood Magic Paths and Rituals are not required to be part of this document, but should instead be made available in specific binding documents regulating their permission level. Any changes in their rarities will be regulated by the packet and/or its Council Vote.

a. Characters may retain paths and rituals that are no longer part of their paradigm due to a regulation change through grandfathering

i. Characters seeking to learn out of paradigm paths and rituals may attempt to learn them from characters that have them through the aforementioned grandfathering with their rarity to be considered “Coordinator Approval” for requirements.

Reasoning: Most packets already have a clause indicating "Coordinator Approval" for "anything not in this packet", this would re-align the bylaw to fall in-line with most packets.  Additionally, the intent would be to cut down on Custom Content that "mimics" grandfathered items as well as provide clarity for systems that are based on sourcing teachers to convert in to their Paradigm.
Chris Wenzel
Milwaukee: Nocturnal Rapture

Running sportsNike

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