Custom Blood Magic: Ritual

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 2XP
MET Mechanics:

A Roman emperor named Constantine once during a military dispute with his rival Magentius, also emperor of Rome, was struck by a vision. This vision would be a cross over the heads of your enemies, where it said IN RHOC SIGNO VINCES (At the first sign you will attack). The next morning, Emperor Constantine ordered him to paint a cross on his army's shields, and imbued with conviction he won the battle.

Seeking to replicate Constantine's example, the magicians who created this ritual aim to locate the enemies they have to march on. In this sense, we can use the components that contain the symbolism of that occasion. The wine would be the symbol of faith (not religious), the earth would be the symbol of victory for intelligence (the construction) and the vitae as a magical operator in the connection of the ritual.

By making this preparation and applying it in such a way as to use a glyph under his eyes, the magus' vision will notice a white cross on top of the tarnished target or object.

NOTE: To make the preparation, a container that reflects the magus (silver bowl), wine and vitae of the operator is needed.

System - In addition to the normal Challenge to activate the ritual, the caster must spend 1 willpower and 1 blood point to prepare the material.  The ritual execution time is 5 minutes, instead of the normal casting time for a basic ritual.  Once the Ritual has been performed, for the next Scene or Hour, the caster may ask a Storyteller to secretly throw a Mental Challenge (retest Occult) against any infernalist who comes within the caster's line of sight.  If the caster wins, the they detect the infernalist for what they are.  Note that Investments such as Masque of Innocence will prevent this ritual from detecting the Infernalist.

Date of Archival: 19-Oct-2021
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Natib Athirat
XP Cost: 2XP
MET Mechanics:

The Seeds of the Mother (Basic - 1)


The Bahari is well known for creating their gardens.  They collect seeds from all over the world, and wish to add the very essence of the new seedlings to their gardens.  As such, the Heirophants of the Cult of Lilith have developed a ritual to help move the growth of their garden from centuries into mere moments of time.


Mechanic: With this ritual, the Bahari can cause plants to sprout or bloom in minutes.  The Bahari must first infuse the seed with their blood, by expending 1 blood trait.  Once the seed is planted, the plant will grow in minutes.  By expending a willpower at the time of its planting, it will instantly grow to adulthood.

Date of Archival: 02-Mar-2015
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Assamite Sorcery - Dur-An-Ki
XP Cost: 2XP
MET Mechanics:

The Seeing Eyes
Basic Ritual

System: The sorcerer must spend at least 1 hour chanting while they mix their blood in with the ashes from a burned trap door spider. After the hour is complete, the blood and ash mixture form a dense paste that will last for one lunar cycle or until used. To activate the benefit of this, the caster must spread the paste across their eye lids, absorbing it into their skin. 
With a successful chop to activate (similar to peek past the shroud paste), for the remainder of the evening the caster now has an advantage when looking for hidden things.  Mechanically, this grants the user of the paste (not necessarily the caster) a +2 bonus trait when attempted to break obfuscate for hidden individuals or items. It does not function to break mask of 1k and is ineffective vs obfuscate greater than advanced.

Date of Archival: 27-May-2019
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Abyssal Mysticism
XP Cost: 6XP
MET Mechanics:
Advanced Ritual 
The Shadows Flesh
The Abyss is a dangerous and lethal place, those who practice its mystical arts can shape the shadows to their whims to obey as commanded, whether to boost themselves, or to take from others.
Mechanics - This dreadful ritual enfeebles the subject, making her skin brittle and weak. Humors rise to the surface and flesh tightens around bones and scales away at the slightest touch and the Abyss manifests in the subject's Aura, as though they had committed Diablerie, only those with deep knowledge of the Abyss (Abyss Lore 4+) can tell the true source of these veins. Used against physically tough opponents, this ritual strips away the inherent resilience of the vampiric body, leaving it a fragile, dry husk. The Mystic must inscribe his subject’s true name (which is much harder to discern for elders than it is for young vampires) on a piece of paper, which he then uses to cut himself, then offers it to be devoured by the Abyss.
Date of Archival: 19-Jul-2019
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 2XP
MET Mechanics:

As technology advances, so does the ability for mortals to identify what gun was responsible for firing which bullets.  As more kindred begin to utilize firearms, this presents a potential breach to the Masquerade.  Mortal authorities could, through evidence of bullet 'fingerprints', begin connecting the gun used in multiple shootings, thus making them focus more intently on anyone caught with the gun that matches to those bullets.  This ritual offers a means to take advantage of that connection by allowing a gun not involved in a shooting to have the markings its rifling leaves on bullets match those of the gun that fired the bullets.  This would allow the new gun to be placed to lead forensic suspicion away from kindred who have been using the same gun too often in their endeavors.

This ritual requires fifteen minutes to cast, and the caster must have the gun to bear the new rifling, as well as a bullet  fired from the gun this ritual seeks to match.  The rifling of the gun targeted by this ritual will be changed to match that of the gun that fired the bullet.  Any bullets fired from the gun will now match the ballistic 'fingerprint' of the original gun.  This does not make the rifling of the gun that fired the original bullet change, it merely makes it so that two guns now leave the same 'fingerprint'.

Date of Archival: 26-Feb-2015
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Koldunic Sorcery
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:

Level 4 Koldunic Sorcery Ritual.

By repeatedly using the same piece of Flint in ritual sacrifices to Tlaloc, the blade over time gains strength and potency. Eventually the flint takes on a ruddy hue and smells of ozone, rain and blood. By carving out the heart of three human victims, and soaking the blade in a mixture of their blood and your own over a lunar cycle, the blade is transmogrified. A Tecpatl is considered a Knife.

System: This ritual creates an item known as the Tecpatl of Blood. This has two effects. One, the blade becomes as hard as tempered steel, losing any negative traits it may possess and granting it +1 Bonus trait and +1 Damage. Secondly this blade grants 3 traits as bonus traits in Aztec blood magic practices. Anyone killed with this blade is sacrificed to Tlaloc. This item may not benefit from Enchant Talisman and Blood Tempering

Date of Archival: 06-Nov-2023
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Anarch Curses
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:

More often than not, Anarchs are left to the dribs and drabs of territory to feed in within a domain. This curse was developed to sway particular individuals who may actively try to starve out the Anarchs or push them off to the side. When the Anarch feels enough is enough and a point needs to be made, they must confront their target, spend a Blood {trait}, and engage in a Static Mental challenge against the current Mental traits of the target (retest with Occult). Success in this challenge inflicts a magical form of bulimia upon the victim, forcing them to involuntarily expend all but 6 of the Blood {traits} in their system. They spend the Blood {traits} at the same rate that they may spend Blood {traits} per round based on their Generation, until they have spent all the necessary {Blood} traits to reduce their pool to 6 (note, though spending the blood is mandatory, the victim may choose how; i.e., heal, use disciplines, etc.). For the duration of this curse, the victim may never have more than 6 Blood {traits} in their system. Any blood consumed in excess provides no sustenance and cannot be used. This curse lasts for one month's time.

Date of Archival: 24-Aug-2019
Anarch Coordinator
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Akhu
XP Cost: 6XP
MET Mechanics:

Milk of set:  - Adv

Effect: Upon casting, this milk of set causes all magical effects observed 
via supernatural means to appear as Ahku. This applies to any ritual effects 
and any active magical effects upon the caster. This does not prevent someone 
watching the magics be cast from understanding what paradigm it is actually from.
Drawback: The caster picks up the light sensitive flaw while the ritual is active

Components: the caster needs both a trait of blood from an individual with the magic's attempting to be disguised as well as a trait of blood from a member of the faith.  As well as the milk and seeds of a poppy pod. 

specifics of how it is made: The caster then boils the blood and narcotic plant mixture down to a poultice (over the course of an hour) and anoints their chakras with the mixture, symbolically killing their own soul.  In doing so allowing the stolen energies of the western land to bleed through their blasphemy shrine and their own soul; causing all magics to appear infused with the stolen energies of the lands of the dead, causing it to register as Ahku to supernatural investigation.   


Date of Archival: 14-Oct-2018
Followers of Set
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:

System: Over a 12 hour period the Thaumaturge mixes a trait of his own blood, and a trait of the victim into a crystal container. If the ritual is successful the two traits form into a blood red crystal ball, and if destroyed ends the ritual, shattering into pieces. While the caster holds the ball, note hold not on person (must be physically held in the casters hand), the caster can see through all Thaumaturgical effects of the victim (example: In a Certamen the victim conjures a wall to hinder the casters line of sight, the caster would be able to see through it. The wall would still be there, and any attempts to physically attack through it would be stopped by the wall, but the caster would be able to see through the wall itself.) This ritual lasts until the crystal ball itself is destroyed.

Date of Archival: 11-Feb-2015
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Black Hand Aljusuri
XP Cost: 6XP
MET Mechanics:

This ritual was created by a member of the Qadi to serve as a solution for when an Agent can no longer be trusted with the secrets of the Tal’Mahe’Ra but is not necessarily believed to be deserving of Final Death. When cast, it scours the very fate of their subject and burns their bonds to the shadowy organization. Their memories, bonds such as the crescent moon on their skin and even supernatural abilities garnered from the Tal’Mahe’Ra are eradicated. Even if the Cainite is sat down and told about the subsect or finds documents that prove their existence, the subject remains blissfully unaware of their existence and ignores all evidence that might suggest otherwise. For those who witness this, it can be quite the frightening experience.

System: To perform the ritual, the caster need only know the code name of the subject who is to be removed and the blessing of one of the Wazirsto be cast. The magic simply doesn’t function without the Wazir’s consent. The caster makes a static Mental Challenge that retests with Occult at a difficulty of 3+ the subject’s Permanent Mental Traits. If successful, all ties that the character has to the TMR that the character has are irrevocably expunged. Their memories and secrets of the organization and their involvement with it are burned from the mind and can no longer be retrieved through any means. Their Crescent Moon fades away as though it never existed. Lores and Powers associated with the Tal’Mahe’Ra are removed from the character’s sheet (points may be refunded at Storyteller discretion). The thread of fate is forever severed and the character may never learn of the organization, ignoring any indication of their existence. This severed thread may never be mended.

Date of Archival: 08-Feb-2022
