2014 - Giovanni - Hugo Klessig

Applicant Name:
Hugo Klessig
Applicant Email: Home Chronicle:

Introduction and Background:

Many of you already know me from my time on council, my time as a Green Bay storyteller or the countless times I have had to work with one of the coordinator staffs because of one of my players. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Hugo Klessig and I have been an active part of the org and one of the founding players of Green Bay WI shattered dreams since 1998. In my long term as a Giovanni player, I can say I have seen both the best and worst the genre has to offer and I am well prepared to avoid the pitfalls which have plagued Giovanni genre from time to time.

Administrative Experience:

Administrative Experience: 2001­2002: Green Bay WI, Shattered Dreams Storyteller

Green Bay WI, Shattered Dreans 2006­ Present Day: Green Bay WI, Shattered Dreams Storyteller

2007­ Present Day: Green Bay WI, Shattered Dreams Council Rep
I started playing a Giovanni PC in 2005 (Marcus Giovanni) over the last 8 years my PC has
worked himself up from a little nobody Giovanni to be the Don of Sheboygan WI, then the Don of
Milwaukee WI and finally the Midwest Prefect. It was no easy task for me, because I was one of
the very few Giovanni that was left after the whole DMH downward spiral. During the last 8 years
with the help of previous coordinators and a lot of role play I have learned a lot about the Giovanni
genre, as well as about Wraiths and the other setting elements that crosses over into Giovanni
genre. There were times where I almost gave up on the character and took the easy way out and
went the way of others. (IE: Just killing characters that crossed him and earning a bad reputation
with this PC) Instead, I have tried to stick with the genre of the clan and by doing that, I have seen
some great role play and have learned a lot about the genre of the clan. I will admit that I do not
know everything about the genre but I am willing to learn, and always seeking to expand my
knowledge of the Family and Clan. By running for the Coordinator position, I hope to bring what I
have learned about the genre to other players. At the same time, I hope to learn from them, and
thus help to tell and even better story  for the Giovanni of One World by Night.2012­ 2013: Giovanni Coordinator

Personal Statement:

I view a coordinator’s position as a mentor position, to help the players and storytellers keep with
the genre of the Clan and Family. Coordinators are there to help the players and their storytellers
tell good stories that all will enjoy.Coordinators are not there to bring in NPC after NPC to solve
the problems of local games or regions. Don't get me wrong, sometimes to keep the continuity of
the genre, NPCs may need to be brought in but, the vast majority of the problems or issues
should be solved or dealt with by the players on a local level.



1. I want to work with the Brazilian sub coordinators to see where the genre is the strongest and where it needs help. I want to keep with the goals that I had in 2012 to keep the position of Ambassador to the Camarilla as two positions One for the United States and one for Brazil.

IE: There is no longer a world wide Ambassador to each sect. I gave the approval for Brazil to have an NPC ambassador to the Camarilla with the condition that a PC was put in place by the end of 2012. Threw a year long plot this was completed.


2.  I plan on creating three temporary teams to deal with just the packets.  There will be 3 people on each team. One team will deal with the Giovanni packets and only the Giovanni. The other team will deal with the Samedi packet and the last team would take a hard look at the Harbinger packet.


The reason for these team are, to free up my time to handle other issues or concerns that may come up during the course of my term, plus I have always believed that the players should have a say so in their genre and the packets that come out of it.


If it were not for the players, we would not have an org.


Side Note: I would like to see a Harbinger Necromancy packet created before the end of my term. This would set a hard line of what the Harbingers can have and not have when it comes to PC’s and NPC’s. We did the same for the Samedi and the Giovanni. I also want to overhaul the sections of the packet that deals with Character creation, Background and havens. In short this whole packet needs to be scraped out and redone.


Like I said these will be temporary teams. Once the packets are done with these teams will be disbanded.


3.  I want to continue the work that has been done with the Tremere to better the relations between the Giovanni and House High Saturday.  One of my thoughts for this is, to create a team that would deal with House High Saturday issues only. In short they would be working close with the Tremere coordinator and his/her staff  to come up with a working program.


4. I would like to sit down with the Wraith Coordinator and come up with a packet or some kind of rules that the Giovanni side of the world of darkness could live with. As it sits right now, some games run wraith out of Oblivion, other games have converted Arcanoi over to disciplines and some games just don't allow wraiths in their game at all. For some of the Giovanni (Necromancers) wraiths are a big part of their character and should be acknowledged.


5. I would like to continue the work that has already been started to move the Giovanni more away from the sabbat.  One of my thoughts/idea’s are to continue what I started in 2012: The Harbingers would be willing to teach Sabbat members necromancy in exchange for Giovanni. The more powerful the Giovanni is IE station, or necromancy level will determine what necromancy he/she would get.


One a side note I would like to sit down with the sabbat coord and speak with him about bringing the Harbingers more into play on both the Giovanni and the Sabbat sides. If it be threw NPC or PC action.


One of the first things I would like to change is, I want to see a change in how the approvals for the Harbingers are done. I would like to have the Sabbat coordinators input on the approvals or any plot that is going on. The Harbingers just don’t affect the Giovanni they also affect the sabbat and their genre also.


Side Project:


I want to work more with the st staffs and the players to bring the Giovanni back into line with the genre.


The individual branches of the family are meant to complement each other not subsume the others. To this end I propose borrowing a page from the Tremere playbook.


With the rework of the Necromancy packet, I'd like for there to a base rarity for the various rituals and paths. Then, once a Giovanni has declared which branch of the family they belong to, there rarities of certain paths and rituals would be adjusted downwards, and even new rituals/paths would be available for purchase.


This will require a slight amount of administrative overhead to track which branch of the family and individual player belongs to, but as a benefit we gain a set of useful metrics -- Namely the branches, locations, and names of the majority of Giovanni PC's throughout the org.  A player would simply notify the appropriate Gio subcoord when they wish to join a branch of the family to gain it's reduction it rarities. However, to prevent players from "gaming" the system by changing which Branch they are a member of to lower the rarity of what they wish to buy (as the branch of a Giovanni can be changed, unlike say the caste of an Assamite), changing from one branch to another would require approval.


Additionally, some of the rarest form of Necro would be the exclusive rights of specific branches of the family, and keeping access to these after changing branches would require coord approval.


When adopting this new rarity system, I will be "grandfathering" when possible, however it will not be applied to some of the Necromancy that is exclusive to a Branch.


A good example of the no grandfathering would greatly affect my PC. I am using Marcus as a template for this. There are a lot of things on his sheet that should not be there and as an admin person that would put him way outside the genre for the clan. Yes I have worked hard to get these things and several times almost lost the character because of it but what it boils down to is, some of these paths and rituals should not be there.


IE: and admin person should not have rare paths and rituals that are dam near

impossible for a Necromancer to get. Each branch of the family has their strengths and weakness’s and I would like to emphasise  on each branch strengths


I know this question will be asked because it is asked of every Coordinator that has a character in the clan that they are running,


Yes I will be putting Marcus (my PC)  on the shelf for the duration of my term. A coordinator/sub coordinator should not be playing a PC in the clan that he/she is working for. These Coordinators and sub Coordinators have to much inside knowledge of what is going on in the clan and this would give them an unfair advantage over the rest of the players.


As I have proven over my 8 years as a storyteller/CM and my one term as the Giovanni coordinator, I distance myself from conflicts of interest like these.