2003 Election for Admissions Coordinator

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Coordinator Elections (Full Term)
Opened: 02-Dec-2003 1:00AM EST
Closing: 08-Dec-2003 1:00AM EST

Applicant Name: Corey BeahonApplicant Email: Ravendwelr@aol.com
Applicant Home Chronicle: Faces
Support From:


I began playing in OWbN in the summer of 1999 when Tampa became a
chronicle in the org.
Since that time I helped start Saint Petersburg Faces of Change and
personally saw the game through the admissions process.
Over the next few years, I worked with Heather (Admissions Coordinator
when we FoC joined OWbN) and Amy (current Admissions Coordinator) with getting
the Gainesville, Tampa Garou, and Sarasota chronicles with their applications.
In each case I also acted as a representative for OWbN and helped them get in
contact with other local games and get them adjusted into our organization.
In the past, I have been a Narrator and ST for both Tampa and Saint
Petersburg. I coordinated a special event and plots that stemmed between
Tampa, Gainesville and Saint Petersburg in the past as well.
I am currently a Narrator for Saint Petersburg Faces of Change and a
Gangrel Sub-coord for Tom.

Personal Statement:

Amy Shuman contacted me to see if I was interested in running for the
Admission Coordinator position. I told her that I did intend to run for the
position, and she told me that I had her full support in doing so.
Now, why should your chronicle support me?
First off, I am good at relating with people and communicating with
them. I would feel that in a position, where I would basically be the first to
greet new games into OWbN, that those two skills would be paramount for the
Admissions Coordinator.
Secondly, I have worked with two of the prior Admission Coordinators in
the past. This has given me experience in how the position should be done and
taught me how to work the social ladder so that the new games can fit right in.
Finally, in the past I have seen some chronicles get stonewalled by the
Admission Coordinator, and held back for a good length of time. That, in my
mind, is not how the position should be run. The job that I am running to
perform is one where a game makes contact with me. I help them with any and
all questions about filling out their application. I get the local games aware
of the applying game and help to open up communications between the
chronicles. I try and get them to communicate and ask questions to the Genre
Coordinators/Sub-coordinators as well, so that they can begin to mesh into the
our Org. Finally I present the Application to Council for them to make a
decision on weather or not the game will work well with everyone else.
Basic plan right now, if I win, is to have Amy continue to work with me
and get the Applications she has been working on through. Beyond that, the
idea is to help applying games through the Application Process as talked about


Applicant Name: Heather Anderson
Applicant Email: twilightsrose@yahoo.com
Applicant Home Chronicle: Indianapolis
Support From:


Additional Game/Coord references:

Pawn to King: Albany after Dark
Gangrel Coord
Ventrue Coord
Nos Coord
Finance Coord

Background experience:

Active member of OWBN since 1997
Admissions subcoord 1999-2000
Took over Admissions Coordinator mid-2000
Admissions Coordinator 2001

I have played in many games since I was about 15. From Archaea, a live action
foam weapons game, to LARP Shadowrun, I've got a pretty good range of knowledge.
I've storytold both vampire and werewolf tabletop, and helped storytell an
independant vampire game.
Currently I am only active in OWBN LARP.

Personal Statement:

I had started to write an application a few times now and then erased it. ISports Newsロングコート コーデ特集!大人メンズの旬な着こなし&おすすめアイテム紹介 , メンズファッションメディア

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