Custom Path of Enlightenment

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Custom Content Category: Path of Enlightenment
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:
Nickname​: Hierodules
The Sword of Caine bases its origins in the first cities of mankind, through the documents and sacred
texts uncovered and studied by Noddists. This study is highly valued by the sect and provides the
basis for its practices and spirituality. That is however not the only spirituality practiced by the Sword,
although it serves as a guideline for any other. Home to several different religious practices, one of the
most common is the one practiced by those called Ashipu, practitioners of Dur-An-Ki. This old form of
magic pushes its practitioners to Ascend and reach for the Heavens, dealing with pacts brokered with
spirits and other astral entities that were and still are considered deities. If their divine nature is true or
not or what exactly those beings are is a complex theme open to interpretation that have fostered
inumerous debates and is still likely to not have a conclusive resolution any time soon. Such is the
nature of old and powerful spirits.
Innanna/Ishtar/Cybele is one of those. Patron Goddess of the cities of Ur, Niniveh and others, she was
worshipped for more than three millennia throughout the history of mankind, changing as the cultures
that worshipped her also changed, absorbing other local goddesses and originating others. The central
myth of the Goddess, the eternal return, her descent to the Underworld to rescue Tamuz from the
realm of her dark twin sister, Ereshkigal, is a mythological theme central to many religions and that
repeats itself in practically all of them. It is the story of creation, of life in its many aspects, both the
light and darker ones.
After all the old polytheistic religions usually did not see Creation as a finished act. The eternal drama
always reenacted, manifested in the seasons and the time of stars, speaks of a Creation that occurs in
the eternal time of now, with the Mother-Goddess, the Lady of Heaven and Earth, devouring her
creation and remaking it at the same time. It is the unavoidable force of nature that brings life and
destroys it. The death of the white winter and the rebirth of spring.
And embodying and living those myths and philosophy is what the adepts of this path seek. Having
descended to the Underworld once and returned victorious as the Goddess herself once did, in the
condition of immortals, the practitioners seek to be like Inanna on Earth, masters of themselves and
the world around them, seeking not a perfection external to themselves, but being more and more like
their own selves, as the manifested deity they are. The adepts of this path are, therefore, highly
spiritual cainites, often keeping sacred altars to the Goddesses above and the Goddess within.
The first and foremost duty of the follower is to know and accept his own self, including the Beast.
Practitioners of this path seek to understand and commune with their Beasts rather than to oppose it
and to this end, at least once every moon they let it loose and revel in its lack of limits and instinctive
behavior. It is a necessary relationship, as the cainite that denies or controls it is denying part of
himself and therefore going against the core of this path. The Beast is the darker, impulsive and
instinctive aspect of the adept and as the Lady of Heaven herself crossed the gates of the Underworld
and gained knowledge about herself, the adept needs to embrace this fundamental part of himself.
As part of a non dualistic world view, there is no moral judgement about the truths of what the adept
really is and what he wishes for. Likewise, the world isn’t seen as something flawed or intrinsically evil,
like Albigensians or Martyrs do, it just is and it’s there to be explored and enjoyed, a true playground
for the adept. Therefore, the follower needs to find a place in the world that best fit his ambitions,
desires and his inner deep self, thus making this a path of conviction. After all, conscience is nothing
but an anchor keeping the adept from seeing the real expression of the world by bounding himself in
guilt and remorse.
The great challenge of this path is the constant necessity of a brutal personal honesty. Both about
oneself and those that surrounds the adepts, pawns, allies and foes. After all the world is ever
changing and so are those in it and its circumstances. As the delicate web of relationships that
sustains the social network changes so must the follower. As Inanna, that brings change and the rains
of spring that shapes the earth, the adept must be truthful to himself and adaptable.
1 - Deny yourself, the deep self,
the true self and its needs.
- Deny an opportunity for self
There is no way of knowing your place in the world
without knowing who you are. Seeking to understand
yourself, your deepest desires, fears, passions and
personal values is necessary to understand who you
are in the grand scheme of things.
2 - Failing to commune with the
Beast within and avoid riding
the wave
- Failing to seek one own’s
pleasures and be restrained by
guilt or remorse in this search.
Denying the desires of the Beast is denying your own
desires and communing with its basic instincts is
necessary to create a symbiotic relationship and
better understand the impulses that guides your
actions. Just as well, denying yourself pleasures,
privation or self discipline when not necessary for
personal gain is senseless. Life is not worth without
being enjoyed.
3 - Submitting yourself to the
wills of others without it being
part of a previously chosen
cause or commitment.
- Avoiding contact with
civilization and shunning
Knowing oneself to know one’s place in the world is
useless if the practitioner does not venture in it, being
part of civilization and society. Pledging loyalty to a
worthy cause, following orders to an agreed upon
hierarchy and/or accepting commitments are part of
living in said society and must be must be weighted,
accepted and carried out without losing sight of the
follower’s ambitions and deep self.
4 - Failing or refusing to protect
or aid an ally when it doesn't
jeopardize your own goals
- Neglecting an opportunity to
exact vengeance
Existence does not happen in a void. Those that are
close, be it for being cherished or important, must be
protected, if the cost aren’t your own goals or
denying your deep self. Enemies must understand
that the practitioner is someone to be feared, a true
force of nature. After all, the follower of this path may
be many things, but ignored should not be one of
5 - Fearing and avoiding
- Killing without reason and
failing to kill when necessary.
Creation, as the self, is dynamic. The cycle of life
isn’t just about creating, but also destroying and
renewing. Renewing/changing yourself based upon
experiences and self knowledge is necessary to be
part of the cycle and fearing and/or avoiding is to
become static and oppose the inner divine nature.
Destruction is also part of the cycle and showing
mercy to one that deserves to die is to prevent his
rebirth and evolution. Just as well, destructing
without cause is to disrespect the divine creation.
- Know and accept one’s self, including the Beast.
- Honesty to one’s self is fundamental.
- Spirituality and meditation is vital to understand the self and needs to be practiced.
- The world is not a duality, flawed or intrinsically evil, it just is and it’s there to be explored and
- Live in the moment and explore the pleasures that civilization has to offer.
- Submitting to the will of others outside of personal commitments is losing your self to another’s.
- Interpersonal relationships, both good and bad, are intrinsically part of living in the outside
world and must not be ignored.
- Adaptability is necessary to survival in an ever changing world.
- Death is part of life, but to destroy without purpose is to disturb creation.
Virtues: Conviction, Instinct, Courage (Convicção, Instinto, Coragem)
Common Abilities: Theology, Cosmology, Meditation, Survival, Social related skills.
Favored Disciplines: Dur-An-Ki, Fortitude, Animalism, Presence, Auspex
Date of Archival: 21-Oct-2017
Custom Content Category: Path of Enlightenment
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

Path of Ishtar

Path of Cathari (Sin Version)

Virtues: Conviction and Instinct

Minimum Wrongdoing


10.Any display of modesty.

Modesty is morality imposed from without. Never submit to it.

9.Failing to indulge your desires.

No pleasure should be denied to you.

8.Forfeiting long-term pleasures for short-term ones.

Do not exchange floods of desire for a draught.

7.Failing to ride the wave of frenzy.

The Beast tires with exercise, strengthens with denial.

6.Acting against another on the path.

Those of like purpose should fulfill that purpose, not quarrel among themselves.

5.Putting the needs of others ahead of your own interests.

Your desires come before their need.

4.Impassioned killing.

Murder achieves no greater end; dead men cannot sully their souls.

3.Associating with those who bring you no pleasure.

The Beast rages when denied; never give license to its fury.

2.Arbitrary killing.

Killing a mortal prevents his bringing about his own damnation.

1.Encouraging virtue or agents of virtue.

Why exert effort to aid those who would chain you?

Ethics of the Path

•You are Damned already; there is nothing forbidden to you.

•The Beast belongs to you, but you do not belong to it.

•Tame the Beast with the pleasure it desires, for it does not think, but feel.

•Act without hesitation. The laws of neither man nor God bind you.

•Shame and inhibition are blasphemies against the orgasmic sacrament.

•Avoid things which bring you no pleasure, for the Beast grows restless without being fed.

•Your heart holds your hunger and your freedom. Find the courage to embrace both.

Date of Archival: 02-Nov-2015
Custom Content Category: Path of Enlightenment
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

Followers of this Path believe it is their not-so-solemn duty to follow the Call of Malkav, bringing light to a world in search of nothing of the sort. This path is devoted first to ripping away the mental security blankets that the Kindred, Kine, etc. all cling to so tenuously. It is also a path of assisted self-exploration as followers of the path engage in "quality control measures," or more simply put, "layin' sum wisdom on mah-brother."
You live within the bubble that is your view of the world; pop that bubble whenever you can.
The more you know, the more you can find insight into. Seek to know all.
Lies may deceive your senses, but they may also offer more insight than the truth. Do not show irritation when you know someone is lying, for they are handing you the keys to theirmind.
Your derangements are the windows to your true mind, when the shutters are open, do not fail to look out.
Information is not for you alone. If other people want it, it is your duty to give it to them.... Of course leaving pieces out is perfectly acceptable if you are dealing with a non path member.


1 Allowing others to understand your motives.
2 Not analyzing others to see if they are in need of your "assistance." Not engaging in long philosophical and metaphysical conversations with children(and doesn’t everyone have a child inside?).
3 Not spreading the Knowledge you have. Teach anyone who asks...if they wanna pay you for it more power to you...
4 Not spreading the Word of Malkav (This Path)...(Must Use Dementation once a night)
5 Overcoming a Derangement

Order is a sad and pathetic concept, created and enforced by the kine.

Any Kindred who trys to maintain the notion of Order is fooling themselves, and can never achieve true Enlightenment.
Madness is also an illusion; sanity is the kine's idea of how most people behave, or should behave. Madness, then, is simply a different viewpoint.
Evil and Good are also inventions of the kine -- both are equally valid, and, in reality, the same thing.
Since reality is Orderless, it is futile. There is no point to anything, and therefore anything you do has no consequences.

Date of Archival: 07-Feb-2015
Custom Content Category: Path of Enlightenment
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:
Path of Self-Controlled Focus

This path is identical to Path of Self Focus as per page 69 of DSotBH except the virtues are Conviction & Self-Control instead of Conviction and Instinct.

Date of Archival: 06-Sep-2015
Custom Content Category: Path of Enlightenment
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

Path of the Amesha Spentas (Via Caeli - deviation of Path of the Watchful Gods)
Virtues: Conscience, Self-Control
Nickname: Untainted

The Path of Amesha Spentas reveres the pantheon of Ahura Mazda and in particular that concepts of Asha espoused as part of the religious teachings. Asha means truth and correctness, but its deeper meaning is the eternal law established by Ahura Mazda, according to which every action has a reaction, and every good or bad deed has its own reward or antidote. As the Embrace strips all that is humane for the adherents of this Path emphasis is on practicing righteousness by following the three commandments, namely good thoughts, good words and good actions and remaining free from the temptations of evil. Since the material world is infested with evil, dangers lurk everywhere. If they do the opposite, they would be helping the evil powers and attracting Angra Mainyu into themselves, their lives and the world around them.

There are very few followers of this Path but a few still remain that have been Embraced in the modern nights from among the followers of Zoroastrianism and a few adherents from antiquity. Due to the small numbers of followers of this Path there is no formal structure or organization. The lack of organization does not mean that the followers of this Path are not in contact with one another and will often communicate with each other or their instructor on issues of morality or when trying to determine the best course of action for a difficult situation.

The followers of this path try to emulate the spiritual attainments of the six Amesha Spentas:
Vohu Manah - Good mind and good purpose.
Asha Vahishta - Truth and righteousness.
Spenta Ameraiti - Holy devotion, serenity and loving kindness.
Khashathra Vairya - Power and just rule.
Hauravatat - Wholeness and health.
Ameretat - Long life and immortality.

Those spiritual attainments and the three commandments form the beliefs and ethics of this Path.
All have a sacred responsibility to remain on the side of the good and assist God in getting rid of evil from creation permanently.
Practice righteousness, aim to cultivate the spiritual attainments as represented by the six Amesha Spentas; order, truth and righteous conduct.

10) Acting against the greatest good in any way - The greater good is one of the fundamental beliefs of this Path.

9) Combat that which would taint the spirit world. - The spiritual world was created before man and as such should be honored.

8) Neglecting your duty or acting unjustly. - Duty and just behavior brings order.

7) Failing to come to the aid of another. - To gain power, you must first gather goodwill.

6) Failing to act honorably. - Honor encourages righteousness.

5) Treating another with disrespect. - Respect is acting with truth towards others.

4) Acting out of pride, avarice, gluttony, or some other sinful impulse. - Sin is the road to Angra Mainyu.

3) Killing without purpose. - Displays of power should Garner respect or be for the greatest good.

2) Knowingly aiding someone going against the greatest good. - Aiding the sinful promotes the wickedness of Angra Mainyu.

1) Giving into your Beast, Frenzying. - The Beast is a pure manifestation of Angra Mainyu and a loss of your righteousness.

Date of Archival: 26-Nov-2023
Custom Content Category: Path of Enlightenment
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

The Path of the Crossroads is a variant of the Path of Eightfold Wheel, and instead draws on Hoodoo beliefs. Hoodoo is a traditional African American spirituality that developed from a number of West African spiritual traditions and beliefs. Hoodoo is a mixture of various African religious practices created by enslaved Africans in the New World. The Path of Crossroads focuses on honoring the loa of nature and the Orisha through devotion and honoring of them to aid in the balance of life and death. In addition, the Path focuses on self-reflection to aid in self-growth to better the Cainite self.

This Path was developed as there were no existing Paths that worked to control the Beast while allowing one to continue to guide the lost. Those that are lost and marked for death by the Regent or their own actions must remain on the path fate set for them. It is not the Guides responsibility to save one who has found himself at death’s doorstep. Rather, the journey can be aided for minimal suffering if death is what is calling. The practices of Hoodoo were used to create the methods by which the Beast will be controlled and further enhance personal growth.

Ethics of the Path
Strive to better the Cainite condition through control and self-reflection
Keep the balance between life and death. Do not change the course of an individual already marked for death or at it’s doorstep.
Seek purpose in all things, the Orisha do not guide us to things without reason.
The Orisha aid those who act with honor and scorn those who toss honor aside. Do not draw the scorn of the Orisha.

Virtues: Conviction, Self-Control
Faction: Sabbat
Nickname: Guides
Score|Minimum Wrongdoing|Rationale
5: Failure to spend time alone in reflection; revealing a secret shared in confidence
It is through reflection that the Orisha are revealed to us, the Loa Baron Samedi teaches us that we must be blind where secrets of those we trust anda re close to are concerned
4: Failing to care for or guide the lost; letting pride come before justice
One cannot find truth without concern for the lost, one cannot find fairness if pride leads the way
3: Failing to honor the loa of nature; failing to honor the Orisha
The spirits aid and guide us, the Orisha created the world that sustains us
2: Risking one’s life unnecessarily; Acting to upset the balance of life and death
One must not frivolously risk themselves, thus surrendering the ability to guide. Those of faith must seek balance in the world as it is not our decision to determine who is to be saved or die but rather to aid the journey to the predetermined fate.
1: Failure to conduct yourself with honor; failure to seek self-growth
The Orisha honor those who live with honor, do not neglect opportunities of self-growth

Bearing: Normalcy
Reason: To guide the lost, one must be able to blend in to gain their respect and trust

Date of Archival: 18-Jan-2022
Custom Content Category: Path of Enlightenment
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

Path of the Dark Crusade


Nickname: Zealots


Basic Beliefs


This path was created by a follower of Nocturnal Redemption and a member of the Sabbat Inquisition. He found the Jesuit influence and reliance on Human Faith counter to truly controlling his beast but still understood his purpose placed upon him by the creator. He developed this path to find his true enlightenment, serve his Ordos and protect his sect. The beast claims the souls of the damned, by insidious rationalization, so their code of behavior must be so clear and defined, that such rationalization is impossible.



Self-Control, Conviction  


Hierarchy of Sins 


10- Placing self before Sect.

9-   Engaging in Political Behavior

8-   Placing religious beliefs before the sect

7-   Publicly challenging a member of the Bishopric(outside of a Trial)

6-   Placing one’s word above one’s duty.

5-   Suffering a heretic to live, showing mercy to the heretic.

4-   Publicly questioning a member of the Consisitory, An Inquisitor or the Regent or their edicts.

3-   Failing to observe High Holidays of the Sect.

2-   Actively working against the Sect.

1- Permitting or forced to be traditionally blood bound to another, giving up free will or signing of an infernal contract.


Ethics of the Path


This is primarily found in the Inquisition and rarely found outside the Ordos.


The path places the religion of the Sabbat above all, and followers put great faith in their holy leaders. As they expect commitment to the sect from themselves, they begin to expect it from others.


Dark Crusaders follow the clergy and seek to show unity with them. That said, they have little to no tolerance for those who abuse the ritae and position.


They seek to harness and use the Beast. They are to adapt to the undead state. Exist as a vampire. Do not lie to one’s self and be subservient to mortal laws or moral strictures.


Where the path of Caine sees the Beast as leading Caine to destroy Abel, this path views this as Caine executing his duty - an example of what all crusaders must do.


Live in peace among mortals whenever possible. But never forget that the undead are their betters and mortals are food.


Practitioners of this path are quick to scourge themselves when they see sins rise in themselves. However, unlike the Baharists, who find enlightenment through pain, the Dark Crusaders find enlightenment in the quiet after the pain - upon self-reflection. They view that Lilith has mislead her covens by telling them that they find enlightenment through pain. The best lie is the one that is closest to the truth. Conversely, after the healing, the Crusaders reflect on the battle. They find answers after the pain; not during it. 


Lilith, mother of demons, is viewed as the temptress, who sought to mislead Caine during his darkest hours: after he was exiled from the land of his family, when he was alone, cold, and hungry. The practice of scourging themselves is even sometimes seen as a test of faith as Lilith may be whispering to Crusaders through their pain and suffering. They bring themselves to the edge, to the flame, and pull themselves back. This is similar to the divine tide of Nocturnal Redemption.


Some of the followers feel that mercy is the mark of weakness.


Once Dark Crusaders fulfill their duty, they might find Redemption.

Date of Archival: 09-Aug-2017
Custom Content Category: Path of Enlightenment
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

The Path of Dark Mother's Night(Conscience and Self-Control) (a variant of Path of Allied Night and Path of Thorn's)

Wisdom  alone  does  not  suffice. Intelligence  is  also  required.

Creation should be built on careful study. Raw creation is never as good as carefully crafted beauty or horror.

Do  not  seek  students.  They  should  come  to  you,  destroyed and begging.

Loyalty above all.

*Hierarchy of Sins
5 Joining any community of fools
Killing a mortal for Food
4 Cruelty for its own sake(As a teacher, you must craft your lessons. Petty abuses are beneath you. The pain you inflict must be divine.)
Failing to be innovative in your depredations
3 Accepting a student(formal or informal) the first time they come to you.
Accidental killing
2 Shunning Pain
Getting between someone and a valuable lesson.(Better to pull the stars from the heavens than to rob someone of moments of true gnosis.)
1 Putting the learning of another before your own.
Accepting the superiority of another Clan

Date of Archival: 18-Dec-2021
Custom Content Category: Path of Enlightenment
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

Basic Beliefs
The teachings of the Path of Divine Accord is a vehicle by which to achieve nirvana.  With much of it teachings based on Vajrayana Buddhism, the Path of Divine Accord takes these mortal beliefs and adapts them to suit the undead state.  As many forms of Esoteric Buddhism fall under the auspices of Vajrayana Buddhism, these Cainites exalt their undead state as part of the natural cycle of the world.  Only through experience and understanding can a Bodhisattva achieve Nirvana.

Followers of the path also understand the material world is but one of many. They know for a fact many other realms exist in reality.  Each has their own place and purpose in the great cycle of the existence.  These cainites believe it is their job to maintain this order regardless of its relation to the material world.  Certain natural laws or taboos should never be broken, less the balance effects all as if a pebble dropping into a pond.

Just as Humanity teaches there is a Golocnda to be had in Redemption, and the Path of Metamorphsis teaches of the alien evolution of Azhi Dahka; so too does the Path of Divine Accord teach of its own enlightenment.  To fully awaken and ascend to Nirvana and become a pure divine being.

In truth the Path of Divine Accord is a deviation from the Path of Honorable Accord using the older Path of Devaraja as a basis as well.  In this the Cainite acts as something of divine benefactor or herald of their own gods imbued with their power and strength.

• You must act as a god would, smiting your enemies and granting succor to your followers
• You must give homage to the divine and gain its blessing
• Never turn away a follower.  Worshippers come from all walks of life.
• Always keep your word and honor your agreements
• Never show cowardice.  Overcome your fears

The Path of Divine Accord was created using the Sabbat’s Honorable accord and the older Path of Devaraja. Hardly the first time the Children of Caine had stolen the teachings and lessons of another path of enlightenment; still the path is a relatively new creation.  Created by a Shingon Buddhist Brujah Antiribu the path has relatively few followers.

While the Sword of Caine is a vampire sect of faith, it is far more commonly one of the stolen ones from the Western Faiths.  Few vampires walk paths of enlightenment of a far more Eastern bent.  The path of Eastern Paradox is a small but growing following among the Sect’s Ravnos Antitribu.  The Path of Self-Focus has an even smaller following among the sect.  These two paths adapt the mortal faiths of Hinduism and Taoism respectively.  However, those Cainites of the Sabbat who wish to follow the teachings of Buddhism are lacking in options.

The teachings of Buddhism and the Sabbat first came into being when a Sabbat pack in China started to expand and learn the traditional ways of their now native culture.  The result of which created the cult known as the Diamond Thunderbolt.  This Cult has slowly grown and spread among the Eastern Sabbat and a few Sabbat who call North America home.  The Path of the Dharmic Dragon was created for a member of the Diamond Thunderbolt in hopes it may seed to grow.  As the Diamond Thunderbolt is home to two other paths known by none outside of it.  The Path of Isthar and the Path of the Diamond Thunderbolt are two examples of other paths created by the Cult that promote the teachings of eastern enlightenment.  All be it, in varied and different ways.

Though small in number, the members of the Diamond Thunderbolt hope to spread these paths to their eastern sabbat brethren and unite them under one banner.  Offering something truly unique from the regular offerings of the Western Sabbat.  In time it is hoped these teachings may even spread to their Eastern Brethren as well.  The members of the path point to obscure noddist teachings of Caine’s travels to the East for enlightenment and Salout’s journey as well.  They claim Golconda is a lie propagated by a Western Faith.  They claim the true enlightenment found by Caine and Salout was Nirvana, to ascend beyond their current form.  It is their hope with this they may yet be able to rise above the Antediluvians and be able to defeat them.

Current Practices
Bodhisattvas practice many and varying rituals based on their particular form of Vajrayana Buddhism.  Many of these religious rituals have been adopted into the Ritae of the Sabbat as means to express their faith.

In addition to this, members of the path follow a book called the Blood Sutras.  These contain tales of Caine and Salout’s travels east.  They claim these are the original tales of Caine’s pursuit of Enlightenment before the tales were corrupted by Western Influence.  In addition, the Blood Sutras contain practices by which all followers should perform. Each a means to awaken their chakras to achieve nirvana.  These techniques are said to guide one on their journey to Nirvana.  There are even stories and legends in the Blood Sutras of a means to awaken a Cainte’s Po as a means to achieving nirvana.  For a follower of the Divine Accord  this shows its history in the teachings of honorable accord.  Whereas knights have their own Code of Milan as a moral code, the Bodhisattvas have the Blood Sutras for the same purpose.

Additionally, the Spirit world is of great importance to those who follow this path.  The followers of this Path call this place the Velvet Shadow.  It holds within it all the Heavens, the 1,000 hells, the lands of the dead, Yama, and many more.  Each realm created with a purpose and a role.  It is when these place and things are meddled without outside the natural cycle of their purpose; a bodhisattva must act to correct the balance.  To the followers of the path these are called Taboos.  Rules of the natural world to never be broken.  One can make a covenant with a spirit but one cannot enslave one.  Those that are dead should remain dead to be reincarnated.  These are a few examples of taboos among the followers.

The Path of the Dharmic Dragon is predominantly followed by Brujah Antitribu and Salubi Antitribu.  Many of its members seem passionate yet whimsical.  Confrontation is enlightenment to these vampires, and they go out of their way to enlighten everyone in the vicinity. Shunning society's restrictions, they explore life's lush infinities through martial arts and Tantric practices. Followers of the path are highly animistic. Looking deep into nature, each sees the spirits beneath life's skin, and they honor them with thanks, gifts and rites. Truly skilled Followers can move beyond the Wall and speak to the spirits in their own tongue; a younger one simply recognizes the kami and grants them respect. Followers are also known for their willingness to involve others in their lives. Life is not a solitary game - it requires lovers and rivals and romance and danger, if it is to keep the Bodhisattva on edge and awake.

Following the Path
The Path of the Divine Accord is a path in pursuit of true enlightenment and to guide others as well to Nirvana.  They are also something of guardians of the cycle and order of the world.  While many consider vampires outside the natural order as undead things, the Bodhisattvas believed they are part of the natural cycle of the world and have a purpose in that cycle.  Not only to guide others but to maintain the balance of the world and correct broken taboos of those laws performed by others.

Followers of the path spend equal time in meditation and self-reflection as they do enjoying new experiences. Only be experiencing an event can a Bodhisattva truly understand it and what it means to them.  They don’t make judgements without trying to understand and experience first.  In this way they can be viewed as aloof and flippant and also deep and introspective.  A duality of being and purpose that often confuses those who do not follow the path.

Hierarchy of Sins
Rating Moral Guideline Rationale
10 Failing to recognize the Divine, Your power comes from divine will.
9 Failing to show hospitality to your allies, Hospitality and generosity are the wealth of the soul
8 Treating another with disrespect, Respect must be given to earn it from others
7 Failing to participate in your groups rituals, Tradition and ritual are important parts of heritage
6 Placing personal desire over duty, A leader must do what is best for the many, not the one
5 Failing to protect your allies, Defend those who are worthy of your esteem
4 Failing to pursue the divine ,True Nirvana and enlightenment is the end goal of all paths; to turn from it is to forgo the path.
3 Showing cowardice, Honor lies in fighting for a cause, not fleeing it
2 Killing without purpose, It is your divine duty to protect worshippers, not kill them
1 Breaking your word of oath; failing to honor an agreement, To break one’s oath is to define one’s divine nature and covenants they may forge.

Date of Archival: 27-Jun-2023
Custom Content Category: Path of Enlightenment
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

Path of the Faithful

The Serpents of the Light hold two things above anything else, their devotion to their respective religion and their devotion to the Sabbat. Since the discovery of the Serpents of the Light by their hated cousins, the Followers of Set, the Serpents of the Light have shown time and time again why their Brothers and Sisters in the Sword of Caine have accepted them amongst their fold by surviving, adapting, and showing true devotion.

The followers of the Path of the Faithful believe the true way to discovering their destinies is through staunch support of the Sabbat and the study of the spiritualism within, along with an unyielding dedication to the Iwa/Loa/Orisha. The followers of the Path of the Faithful are truly fanatical.

Ethics of the Path

·         Always look to expand your knowledge of anything spiritual.

·         Never forget the lessons of the past, for those who forget it are doomed to repeat it.

·         Honoring your devotion to the Sabbat and your religion come before anything else, even your life.

·         Always seek to expand the spiritual knowledge of your Brothers and Sisters.

·         Seek every way to expand the Sabbat and your faith, even to those who have yet to see its truth.


Those on Path of the Faithful practice Conviction and Self-Control.

Path of the Faithful Hierarchy of Sins

1.      Taking action that would undermine the Code of Milan. Not taking advantage of an opportunity to learn more about anything spiritual.

2.      Not taking part in your respective religious or Sabbat holidays. Not respecting those of higher religious or Sabbat station.

3.      Knowingly interacting with one who worships or follows an Antediluvian. Failing to take the opportunity to expand a Brother or Sister’s spiritual knowledge.

4.      Knowingly interacting with one who is deemed Heretical by your religion or the Sabbat. Failing to take the opportunity to destroy one who follows an Antediluvian when the opportunity presents itself.

5.      Refusing to lay down your life in the defense of the Sabbat or the Iwa/Loa/Orisha. Falling out of favor of your patron Iwa/Loa/Orisha.

Date of Archival: 06-Nov-2022
