Change to Coord for Characters Seeking Infernalism [autopass]

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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 18-Oct-2010 1:00AM EDT
Closing: 11-Oct-2010 1:00AM EDT

The R&U Bylaws list lots of different Coordinators for Characters Seeking Infernalism, but we have a Demon Coordinator now. Also, the description section only lists PCs, but both PCs and NPCs are Coordinator Approval now.

I propose that R&U Bylaw 4.k.ii be changed from:

Characters Seeking Infernalism
1. Mortals Seeking Infernalism
a. PC Mortals seeking Infernalism through any means are to be approved by the appropriate Coordinator (based upon the genre of their Home Chronicle, in the case of a Vampire game, the Sabbat Coordinator) before such permission is given; this includes Summoning/Binding a Demon or gaining any sort of Infernal power.
2. Vampires Seeking Infernalism
a. PC Vampires seeking Infernalism through any means are to be approved by the Sabbat Coordinator (or Tremere Coordinator, if Tremere) before such permission is given; this includes Summoning/Binding a Demon or gaining any sort of Infernal power.
3. Mages Seeking Infernalism
a. PC Awakened Mages seeking Infernalism through any means are to be approved by the Mage Coordinator before any such permission is given; this includes Summoning/Binding a Demon or gaining any sort of Infernal power.
4. Fae Seeking Infernalism
a. PC Changelings seeking Infernalism through any means are to be approved by the Changeling Coordinator before such permission is given; this includes Summoning/Binding a Demon or gaining any sort of Infernal power.
5. Changing Breeds Seeking Infernalism
a. PC Changing Breeds seeking Infernalism through any means are to be approved by the Changing Breed Coordinator before such permission is given; this includes Summoning/Binding a Demon or gaining any sort of Infernal power.
6. Kuei-jin Seeking Infernalism
a. PC Kuei-jin seeking Infernalism through any means are to be approved by the Kuei-jin Coordinator before such permission is given; this includes Summoning/Binding a Demon or gaining any sort of Infernal power.


Characters Seeking Infernalism
1. Characters Seeking Infernalism through any means are to be approved by the Demon Coordinator, except as noted in the Tremere Arcane Compendium packet.

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