[Administrative Proposal] Revision to Administrative Bylaw 1.F.ii - Packets

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 24-Dec-2008 1:00AM EST
Closing: 31-Dec-2008 1:00AM EST

I hereby propose the following be revised:

1.F.ii: "For a bylaw, genre document, rule and regulation to be binding, it must be on the OWBN website. The HC and/or AHC are responsible for ensuring all applicable documents are on the OWBN website."


1.F.ii: "All votes passed by Council are considered binding. It is the duty of the Council Member to inform their Storytellers and players of any and all revisions to the bylaws, genre documents, rules, and regulations.
1) Bylaw updates must be updated. The HC and/or AHC are responsible for ensuring this is updated on the OWbN website.
2) The Genre Documents that have been passed by Council are the sole responsibility of the Genre Coordinators who are the custodians of that Genre. Council Members ought to obtain copies from the Coordinators for the STs and players of their chronicles."

I recommend this strongly. When D talked to the Intellectual Property lawyer, it was advised that the Organization as a whole not take responsibility of publication of these documents. I agree with this stance, and I'd rather not leave room for liability down the road.

I know this means more email requests for Packets, but this at least gives a clear chain of communication to request them through (have your CM contact the respective Coordinator for a private unpublished copy).

Thank you.

Jenn Louise Bahrs
OWbN Head Coordinator

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