Elder Powers v3

Status message

Displaying output for plurality voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 22-Nov-2005 1:00AM EST
Closing: 29-Nov-2005 1:00AM EST

I propose that section 4a of the Character Regulation Bylaws be replaced with:--------------------

The highest attainable level of any Discipline a player character may attain is Elder, as long as the character is of an appropriate generation and meets the following requirements:

To learn an Elder discipline, a character must spend six months learning the Elder Power. During the learning time no other disciplines may be purchased.
The character must have been in play as an 8th generation character for at least a year and during the time they are learning the Elder Power they may not be inactive.
A player character with an Elder Level Discipline may not teach another player character the advanced level of the discipline they have at Elder Level.
All of the player characters in clan disciplines must be at Advanced before the purchase of an Elder discipline is allowed.
A player character may have only one Elder Level Discipline without a R&U rare category vote.
All player characters with an Elder Level Discipline must be logged with the Archivist.
Elder Disciplines that do not have a MET conversion are disallowed, unless a Elder Discipline Genre Packet is passed by the OWBN Council.


As an explaination for the appearance and disappearance of Elder Powers, the Time of Thin Blood should be used to explain the discrepancies. Any character that previously had an Elder Power may re-purchase if it was refunded or simply have it back if it was taken away with no compensation and as long as the manner in which they learned it conforms to the guidelines above.

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