Assistant Head Coordinator 2009

Status message

Displaying output for plurality voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Coordinator Elections (Full Term)
Opened: 23-Dec-2008 1:00AM EST
Closing: 16-Dec-2008 1:00AM EST

Our system is not currently working to permit the multiple-vote option. I am going to take this vote by "write-in" in the Notes section. The vote option during voting will say "Write in 2 Candidate Options." When the vote closes, I will change the vote option to the names of the two winners so that the archives correctly shows who won (this will change nobody's write-ins, as those will be under "Notes"):

The only options in the write-in I want to see are TWO of the following: officially applied candidate names, abstain, or reject all candidates.

(Please leave any comical voting notes for another vote. For clarification: you may add notes after the options/candidate names that are directly relevant to the vote itself, but leave the "Candace Wagner FTW" and "because he offered me cookies" and other goofiness in the other votes. Thanks.)

Here are some examples, please follow this format:
Jane Doe, Bob Smith
Jane Doe, Abstain
Abstain, Abstain
Bob Smith, Abstain
Reject All Candidates

Thank you for your cooperation! :)

Jenn Louise Bahrs
OWbN Head Coordinator

The Applications
Applicant Name: Rojir McCrady II
Applicant Email:
Applicant Home Chronicle: Vitae Aeternus
Support From: Games:
Thicker than Blood, Crusade of Ashes, City of Springs, Shadows of Cincinnati, Whispers of Atlanta, Blackhawk County by Night, Always Comes Evening, Westchester by Night, Gainesville: The New Confederacy, Sins in the Valley, River of Shadows, Chicago: Dark Requiem, NEOSabbat, Shadows of St. Louis, CIET, Within Shadow's Reach, Vitae Aeternus, Shadows on the Mall, Night...Falls, Columbus in Darkness, New Haven by Night, Fields of Rage, Dying Embers, St. Augustine: The Haunted City, A Family Affair. Shadow's Crossing, L'ange Noir, The Chaos Within, Muerte Libre. Coords:
Head Coordinator, Sabbat Coord, Archivist, Malkavian Coordinator, Ventrue Coordinator, Tremere Coordinator, Camarilla Coordinator, Wraith Coordinator, Finance coordinator, Mage Coordinator, Assamite Coordinator, Ravnos Coordinator,Lasombra Coordinator, D Scott Stewart, Brujah Coordinator
Hi!My name is Rojir McCrady, and I 'm re-running for the position of Assistant Head
Coordinator for One World by Night. I've been a member of the organization for
eleven years, now, and over the course of that time, I've played several
different characters, including Slink, Xavier Watson, Pike, and Johnathan Giovanni. During the last eleven years, I've held a number of local, regional and national-
level administrative positions. and have gotten very familiar with the
administrative procedures of the organization: Locally, I've been an ST for Vitae Aeternus for a cumulative total of about 8
years. I also served as an ST in Baltimore for a 9-months stint a few years
back. Since I am still interested in fulfilling this position, I have decided to re-run for the position of Assistant Head Coordinator. * * * Personal Statement: I have been a member of this organization for 11 years. During that time, I've
had a great experience, overall. I've had a great time travelling and meeting
so many players, and have appreciated this shared network that we enjoy, and
at the same time, can find incredibly frustrating. If I had to pick one things that I'm good at as far as this organization is
concerned, it's administrative work, and decision making. In college, my focus
was interpersonal communication work, conflict resolution, and statistical
analysis. This has helped me immensely in my duties as a Storyteller, Council
Member, and Coordinator. I'm interested in the AHC position because I believe it's something I've proven I am
capable of, and actually look forward to doing. It has been a good bit of extra work, and I have to say that Jenn and D certainly made it easier on me than I expected, but it was still an interesting task to master. It is this experience that I have garnered that I think is most pertinent in my current re-election hopes. I have worked, over the past year, to mediate conflicts and disputes, and help to oversee the direction of OWbN. I am very delighted to say that we have a wonderful array of games all over the world, and I am very pleased to be a part of that, and a member of this organization. I look forward to hearing your feedback, and invite you to contact me at with your ideas, questions, or concerns.

Applicant Name: Rojir McCrady II
Applicant Email:
Applicant Home Chronicle: Vitae
Support From:

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