R&U Revision: Published Cannon Characters & 6.A.v Revision

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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 11-Jan-2010 1:00AM EST
Closing: 11-Jan-2010 1:00AM EST

In light of the fact that many of the Genre Coodinators have proposed lists of NPCs they want control over, and some have not, and the batch of new Coords is trying to figure out what’s been registered and what hasn’t to do a Proposal to gain jurisdiction over specific NPCs, I’m going to try to simply this.

The WW published characters are already all Unique characters and thus protected, and are already Coordinator controlled, however… I will seek to make this easier to manage for everyone.

I hereby Propose that “Published Cannon Characters”, “Historical Figures of Myth or Reality”, and “Real Life Individuals” be added to the Unique R&U Category to replace “Named Characters”. This seems to be have been too vague and has been causing confusion, and so I would like to clarify by breaking this down.

Also, under Special Cases, Section 6 of the R&U Bylaws, I would propose to revise this, as it both no longer makes sense (there is nothing in the Character Regulation Bylaws) and it would grant proper control to the individuals without a slew of Genre Proposals:

Current Bylaw, 6. A.v:

v. Named Characters for Coordinators
1. Named Characters, as defined by Character Regulation Bylaws 9.B.i, to be controlled by an appropriate Coordinator, are considered exempt from the otherwise applicable vote requirements for unique characters, instead falling under Coordinator Bylaws 3.C.iii.

Proposed Bylaw Revision, 6. A.v:

v. Published Cannon Characters for Coordinators
1. Characters that have been published by White Wolf are to be automatically considered controlled by the appropriate Coordinator and are thusly exempted from voting requirements to use these unique characters.
a. Should there be a conflict of custody of a published cannon character, the parties seeking joint control of the character may petition the Executive Team for mediation. The most typical result of said mediation if all parties have a legitimate claim will be a binding agreement made similar to the concessions made for Methuselahs in Character Regulation Bylaws, Sections 14, parts A & B. This binding agreement will then be logged with the Archivist for future parties to access.
b. Council may object to the use of a particular published cannon character by a Coordinator, and may propose that it not be used for the remainder of the term of that Coordinator should there be significant concern by the Organization that the published cannon character is not being used responsibly for the Organization.

For those of you chronicles with existing jurisdiction over WW published cannon NPCs, please contact the Executive Team at owbn-exec@owbn.org. We are aware of some of the more obvious custodial relationships of chronicle control (Vlad, Pander, Menelaus, Helen, etc.), but for the sake of compliance to the R&U categories we need to make sure all of these are registered.

~ Jenn Bahrs
Head CoordinatorbridgemediaAir Jordan

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