[PROPOSAL][AUTOPASS] Jocastian Bylaw Updates

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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 09-Aug-2019 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 09-Aug-2019 12:05AM EDT

I, Shane West, as Sabbat Coordinator, in accordance to Coordinator Bylaws 3.b.i, hereby propose the following change to the Coordinator Bylaws; also this Proposal has the potential to Autopass.


b. Sabbat Coordinator

i. Tal'mahe'Ra (also known as the True Black Hand, or the True Hand)

ii. Jati

iii. Jocastatians. 



b. Sabbat Coordinator

i. Tal'mahe'Ra (also known as the True Black Hand, or the True Hand)

ii. Jati




Also propose the following changes in the Character Regulation Bylaws section 10.m.viii.7


From this:

  1. Sabbat Combination Disciplines - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Sabbat
    1. Non-Faction members with Faction Combination Disciplines
      1. Disregard
      2. Resolve to Sustain
      3. Strategic Response
      4. Uncoil Your Vitae
      5. Rapid Fire
      6. Unassailable Thoughts
      7. The Magistrate Coincides
      8. Instantaneous Admiration
      9. The Banshee’s Wail
      10. Unconquerable Quality
      11. Roar of Command
      12. Dreadful Assault
      13. Dogs of Vitae
      14. Undiminished Fury
      15. Caine’s Curse
      16. Eyes of the Enlightened
      17. Relic Sight
      18. Speed Reading
      19. Nocturnal Life
      20. Envoy’s Blessing
      21. Shadow Heart
      22. Vicious Valor
      23. Void Shielding
      24. Void Running
      25. Astute Taste
      26. Fluid Recollection
      27. Unwavering Judgment
      28. Divine Will
      29. Religious Devotion
      30. Eye of Ialdabaoth
      31. Hunt the Heretic
      32. Reveal the Sin
      33. Deny the Adversary
      34. Circumspect Revelation
      35. Lessons In The Steel
      36. Masque of Judas
      37. Sympathetic Encryptor
      38. Infernal Contract
      39. Quid Pro Quo
      40. Technicality
      41. Talons of Suffering
      42. Song of Ennui
      43. Sense the Sorrow
      44. Smoky Pace
      45. Shroud of the Mind
      46. Blessings of the Aralu
      47. Shroud of Ahriman
      48. The Nectar of Amaranth
      49. Hunt for History
      50. Animus Ligature
    2. Regionally Important Sabbat Faction Combination Disciplines
    3. Resolve to Sustain
    4. Uncoil Your Vitae
    5. Instantaneous Admiration
    6. Roar of Command
    7. Undiminished Fury
    8. Relic Sight
    9. Speed Reading
    10. Envoy’s Blessing
    11. Void Running
    12. Fluid Recollection
    13. Religious Devotion
    14. Reveal the Sin
    15. Circumspect Revelation
    16. Lessons in the Steel
    17. Masque of Judas
    18. Sympathetic Encryptor
    19. Quid Pro Quo
    20. Songs of Ennui
    21. Shroud of the Mind
    22. The Nectar of Amaranth
    23. Strategic Response
    24. Unassailable Thoughts
    25. The Banshee’s Wail
    26. Dreadful Assault
    27. Caine’s Curse
    28. Shadow Heart
    29. Astute Taste
    30. Divine Will
    31. Deny the Adversary
    32. Technicality
    33. Talons of Suffering
    34. Blessings of the Aralu
    35. Hunt for History
    36. Animus Ligature
    37. Nationally Important Sabbat Faction Combination Disciplines


to this:

  1. Sabbat Combination Disciplines - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Sabbat

a.    Non-Faction members with Faction Combination Disciplines

                                      i.        Disregard

                                    ii.        Resolve to Sustain

                                   iii.        Strategic Response

                                   iv.        Uncoil Your Vitae

                                    v.        Rapid Fire

                                   vi.        Unassailable Thoughts

                                  vii.        The Magistrate Coincides

                                 viii.        Instantaneous Admiration

                                   ix.        The Banshee’s Wail

                                    x.        Unconquerable Quality

                                   xi.        Roar of Command

                                  xii.        Dreadful Assault

                                 xiii.        Dogs of Vitae

                                xiv.        Undiminished Fury

                                  xv.        Caine’s Curse

                                xvi.        Eyes of the Enlightened

                               xvii.        Relic Sight

                              xviii.        Speed Reading

                                xix.        Nocturnal Life

                                  xx.        Envoy’s Blessing

                                xxi.        Shadow Heart

                               xxii.        Vicious Valor

                              xxiii.        Void Shielding

                              xxiv.        Void Running

                               xxv.        Astute Taste

                              xxvi.        Fluid Recollection

                            xxvii.        Unwavering Judgment

                           xxviii.        Divine Will

                              xxix.        Religious Devotion

                               xxx.        Eye of Ialdabaoth

                              xxxi.        Hunt the Heretic

                            xxxii.        Reveal the Sin

                           xxxiii.        Deny the Adversary

                           xxxiv.        Circumspect Revelation

                            xxxv.        Lessons In The Steel

                           xxxvi.        Masque of Judas

                          xxxvii.        Sympathetic Encryptor

                         xxxviii.        Infernal Contract

                           xxxix.        Quid Pro Quo

                                   xl.        Technicality

                                  xli.        Talons of Suffering

                                 xlii.        Song of Ennui

                               xliii.        Sense the Sorrow

                               xliv.        Smoky Pace

                                xlv.        Shroud of the Mind

                               xlvi.        Blessings of the Aralu

                              xlvii.        Animus Ligature

b.    Regionally Important Sabbat Faction Combination Disciplines

                                      i.        Resolve to Sustain

                                    ii.        Uncoil Your Vitae

                                   iii.        Instantaneous Admiration

                                   iv.        Roar of Command

                                    v.        Undiminished Fury

                                   vi.        Relic Sight

                                  vii.        Speed Reading

                                 viii.        Envoy’s Blessing

                                   ix.        Void Running

                                    x.        Fluid Recollection

                                   xi.        Religious Devotion

                                  xii.        Reveal the Sin

                                 xiii.        Circumspect Revelation

                                xiv.        Lessons in the Steel

                                  xv.        Masque of Judas

                                xvi.        Sympathetic Encryptor

                               xvii.        Quid Pro Quo

                              xviii.        Songs of Ennui

                                xix.        Shroud of the Mind

c.    Nationally Important Sabbat Faction Combination Disciplines

                                      i.        Strategic Response

                                    ii.        Unassailable Thoughts

                                   iii.        The Banshee’s Wail

                                   iv.        Dreadful Assault

                                    v.        Caine’s Curse

                                   vi.        Shadow Heart

                                  vii.        Astute Taste

                                 viii.        Divine Will

                                   ix.        Deny the Adversary

                                    x.        Technicality

                                   xi.        Talons of Suffering

                                  xii.        Blessings of the Aralu

                                 xiii.        Animus Ligature


And then also to add the following into the Character Regulation Bylaws as 10.m.viii.54:


54.  Non-Jocastians with Jocastian Combination Disciplines - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Malkavian

a.    Shroud of Ahriman

b.    The Nectar of Amaranth

c.    Hunt for History


Rationale: The Jocastian sect was passed over to the Malkavian Coordinator for management back in 2018(owbn.net/votes/99661). This is to line up the remaining bylaws with the appropriate Coordinator for approvals.


~ Shane West
~ OWBN Sabbat Coordinator


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