
Coordinator Info

Listed Name Listed Email
Tauney Kennedy Kuei-Jin@owbn.net

Genre Documents

Please contact your chronicle Storyteller staff or Council Member for access to these packets.

Packet Name Type Last Updated Packet Link
KUEI-JIN: Mechanics Genre Packet 18-Jan-2022 Requires Login.
KUEI-JIN: Sect Guide Genre Packet 08-Jun-2023 Requires Login.

Additional Information:

Any scenes run under the purview of the Kuei-jin Coord office will be hosted by Always Comes Evening (San Francisco).  Our house rules, etc, are posted on our OWBN page.  http://www.owbn.net/chronicles/san-francisco-ca-usa-always-comes-evening

While I welcome personal contact and am happy to chat over discord or messaging applications, any formal requests must be sent to the Coord office email.